January 15 – January 22, 2017
Weekly Activities
Tuesday, January 17 at 6:00 p.m. ~ Community Prayer Service for Racial Healing in Church
Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 p.m. ~ Parish Council Meeting in St. Charles Hall
Thursday, January 19 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Friday, January 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon ~ Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, January 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon ~ Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, January 21 at 1:30 p.m. ~ Sodality Meeting in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, January 21 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Sunday, January 22 at 9:00 a.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in Church
*In response to requests from our players, we have instituted age restrictions for admission to Bingo. As of October 15, 2015, we no longer admit children under 8 years of age.
We now have a Bingo camera with TV monitors and electronic verification!
To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts
and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
There will be a change to our daily Mass schedule beginning this Monday, January 16, 2017.
Mass on Mondays and Tuesdays will be an 8:00 am;
Mass on Wednesday – Friday will continue at 11:00 am.
Sunday, January 15 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. ~ Ray and Martha Freudenberger (Requested by Estate)
Monday, January 16 ~ Mass at 8:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Tuesday, January 17 ~ St. Anthony, Abbot ~ Mass at 8:00 a.m. – Anna Snyder (Estate)
Wednesday, January 18 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Catherine M. Maher (Estate)
Thursday, January 19 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Anne Crocker (Family)
Friday, January 20 ~ St. Fabian, St. Sebastian ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – All Souls (Queen of Martyrs Parish)
Saturday, January 21 ~ St. Agnes ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. ~ Willie Evans (Judy Casassa)
Sunday, January 22 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. ~ Gretchen Kelly (Judy Casassa)
Ministry Schedule for Saturday and Sunday, January 21 and 22:
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Reader: Gary Kelley; Eucharistic Minister: Lucille Venezia
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Readers: Maggie Gatson, Bob Heicklen; Eucharistic Ministers: Dan Korchowsky, Mary Kresse, Pat Hartinger; Maggie Gatson (Choir)
News from our Parish Community
New at Blessed Trinity in 2017
First Friday Adoration and Benediction from 8:00-11:00 a.m. at the Daily Mass Chapel on the First Friday of each month. Mass will follow at 11:00 a.m.
Mass on Mondays, at 8:00 a.m. beginning January 16. Mass on Tuesdays will also be at 8:00 a.m., replacing the present 11 o’clock Mass. Masses on Wednesday through Friday will continue at 11:00 a.m.
Visits to the sick will begin on January 27, the last Friday of the month. Please help Father Victor by suggesting the names of those you believe need to be visited. There are sign-up sheets for this purpose near the side doors of the church, or you may call the church office, 716-833-0301.
Religious Education Classes for children will begin on Sunday, February 5. There are sign-up sheets for this purpose near the side doors of the church, so please register your children as soon as possible.
Bible Studies, reflections, sharing, discussion, and questions and answers will begin during the first week of February.
Diocesan Celebration Honoring Rev. Martin Luther King is Sunday, January 15, at Holy Cross Church, 345 Seventh Street, Buffalo. Rev. Bishop Richard J. Malone will be the celebrant for the 10am Mass; the guest homilist, Rev. Chester Smith, SVD, from the Dioceseof Indianapolis, IN, will expand on the theme for the celebration, “Captured by the Spirit.” A reception will follow the Mass, with proceeds from a theme basket raffle going to support the MLK Scholarship Fund. The program is sponsored by the African American Commission, Diocesan Office of Cultural Diversity.
National Day for Racial Healing ~ This Tuesday, January 17, is the National Day for Racial Healing, which is being marked by events all over the country. Here in Buffalo, religious leaders of the Greater Buffalo Racial Equity Roundtable will hold a special Interfaith Community Prayer Service that evening at 6pm. We are deeply honored that they have chosen our church in which to hold this service. Honored clergy participating in the event will include Bishop Malone of the Catholic Diocese, Bishop Franklin of the Episcopal Diocese, Rev. George Nicholas of Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Church, Rev. Darius Pridgen of True Bethel Baptist Church and Rev. Jonathan Staples of First Shiloh Baptist Church. Everyone in the community is invited to attend.
Again, the date for the Community Prayer Service is
this Tuesday, January 17, at 6:00 PM right here in Blessed Trinity Church.
We hope that many of you will be able to attend….
and bring your friends and neighbors!
The Parish Council will meet on Wednesday, January 18, at 7pm in St. Charles Hall. Any member who is unable to attend should notify the rectory by calling 833-0301.
Special Thanks to Tom, Drew and Nik Brodfuehrer; Judy Casassa, Bud and Mickey Dick, Ellen Duffy, Allan Frank, Bob Heicklen, Amy Johnson, Dorothy Manuppelli, and Kathy Press who braved some nasty weather Tuesday evening to take down our Christmas decorations and store them away for another year.
Changes in Music Ministry ~ Our choir is taking this week off, but will return next Sunday under the direction of Kate Bassett. Ms. Bassett has agreed to serve temporarily as our musician and choir director for the month of January. Our search continues for a Director of Music to succeed Nick DelBello. Please pray that our search committee and the ideal candidate for Blessed Trinity will soon find each other. If you think you know someone with the “right stuff,” Click HERE to view requirements and information on how to apply.
Members of the Ladies Sodality will meet in St. Charles Hall at 1:30pm on Saturday, January 21, to stuff envelopes and prepare the mailing of tickets for our February 26, 2017 Basket of Cheer Raffle. Please bring a small sponge for sealing. “Many hands make light work.”
Many thanks to Barbara Sercu, who has been our secretary and the welcoming voice who answered our phone for the last year. Those of us who have frequent contact with the rectory have enjoyed Barb’s efficiency in handling the variety of tasks directed her way, and the cheerful spirit in which she performed them. We wish her all the best as she uses her newly-acquired “free time” to pursue other interests. We welcome Barb’s successor, Patricia “Pat” Pendleton, who will be working together with Barb this week and “flying solo” beginning on Tuesday, January 24.
Sodality Dues Reminder for 2017 ~ Membership in the Ladies Sodality of Blessed Trinity runs with the calendar year, and dues become payable each January. Since 2016, we have only one category of membership – member in good standing – and annual dues are $5.00 with checks payable to “Ladies Sodality of Blessed Trinity.” You do not have to pay dues if you are a member in good standing and have reached your 80th birthday. Our Membership Chair, Mickey Dick, is now accepting dues for 2017.
The National Black Catholic Congress XII ~ A Diocesan Delegation to The National Black Catholic Congress XII, to be held in Orlando, Florida from July 6—July 9, 2017, is now forming. If you would like to participate or obtain additional information on registration fees and room rates, please contact Althea Porter (716-316-8395) or the Office of Cultural Diversity (716-847-2217). February 15 is the last day to join the delegation and partial payment to cover trip expenses must be received by this date. The last payment should be sent to the Office of Cultural Diversity by May 15, 2017.
Vocation View ~ Christ gives us the gift of Baptism, through which we each have a vocation in the Church. Pray for those who are discerning a call to live their Baptismal commitment as religious brothers, sisters, priests or deacons. If God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Andrew Lauricella at 716-847-5535. You can also check out the “Priest of the Month” stories at www.buffalovocations.org.
Our Landmark church building is featured on a mural created earlier this year by Danial Galas on a the building located at 72 Jewett Avenue at Halbert Street. The building was originally owned by the Culliton Ice Cream Co. Local historian and preservationist, Chuck LaChiusa, has shared some marvelous photos of the mural depicting Blessed Trinity and other historical sites in the neighborhood on his web site. Click HERE to view them.
Announcements ~ If you have meeting or church event information you would like read during Mass announcements, please make sure to submit the information for approval to Pat Pendleton by Thursday morning of each week.
Mass Intentions ~ If you wish to have a Mass offered for a special intention, please call Barbara Sercu at the Rectory Office 716-833-0301. She will be available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am-2:30pm. The Mass offering is $15.00.
Catholic Charities ~ The New Year is upon us. If you are still looking for a resolution for 2017, consider having a goal of giving back to your community and volunteering with Catholic Charities of Buffalo. As the most comprehensive human service provider serving Western New York, Catholic Charities has a wide array of volunteer opportunities. Your talents can be put to good use helping others! To browse volunteer opportunities, visit http://www.ccwny.org/volunteer-with-catholic-charities. For more information on volunteer positions, email Lauren Aguirre at lauren [dot] maguire [at] ccwny [dot] org or call 218-1400 x2006. For frequent updates from Catholic Charities of Buffalo follow us on Twitter @ccbuffalo and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ccbuffalo. To browse our volunteer opportunities or services available visit www.ccwny.org.
Sunday TV Mass ~ For those who are unable to physically attend Mass, the Diocese of Buffalo provides a televised Mass from the Our Lady Chapel at St. Joseph Cathedral that airs each Sunday on WUTV-Fox at 7:30am.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Ready, Set, Parent! EPIC – Every Person Influences Children will provide positive parenting preparation for expectant and new parents. You’ll learn the 3 “Terrific T’s” of parenting: Taking care of yourself as a parent, Tuning into your baby’s needs, Teachable Tips for early brain development. Offered the first Saturday of the month from 1-3pm at Catholic Health System, 144 Genesee St. at NO charge. Must sign up in advance – Please call 716-332-4127 to register or go online www.epicforchildren.org. Free car seat to those in need – must be income eligible, complete course and participate in car seat safety class, offered immediately after Ready, Set, Parent!
Christmas Nativity Display ~ This is the last weekend to see Fr. Roy Herberger’s incredible display of 580 nativity sets from 58 countries. These international crèches are being shown at Ss Columba-Brigid Church at 75 Hickory & Eagle St (one block south of Clinton). The building is handicapped accessible. Hours are from 1-4pm on Saturday and Sunday until the weekend of January 14/15. There is NO charge and there is a special section for children. If anyone would like to view the display during the week with a large group (e.g. school children, senior groups, church organizations, etc.), please call Fr. Roy at 716-852-2076.
Attention Local History Buffs ~ The Erie-Lackawanna Railroad Historical Society (ELHS), which maintains its archives at 100 Lee St. (Heritage DiscoveRY Center) is interested in expanding its information base on the role of African-Americans and Hispanics as workers in the railroad industry. Perhaps this employment history applies to you or a family member or ancestor. If so, and you and/or your family member would like to know more about the project and how you can help, please contact Michael Connor at mjconnor_rr [at] hotmail [dot] com or (330) 691-0026.
Meat Raffle ~ St. Gregory the Great’s Home School Association will be holding a Meat Raffle on Friday, January 20 in the Ministry Center, 200 St. Gregory Court, Williamsville. Doors open at 6pm and the first spin is at 7pm. With admission you receive dinner and unlimited pop, beer and wine, as well as a ticket for our big ticket item raffle. Besides raffling off lots of different types of meats, we will also have a basket raffle and a 50/50. You can reserve a table or purchase individual tickets by contacting MeatRaffleTime [at] gmail [dot] com. Seating is limited but you can purchase tickets at the door if space is available. Hope to see you there!
For Women Only: Women Praying Through the Knots, A Spirituality of Imperfection! Presented by Mrs. Theresa Kehl on Monday, January 30 from 7-8pm at Our Lady of Pompeii Ministry Center (Marian Room), 129 Laverack Ave, Lancaster. All women are welcome: Free will offering accepted. Refreshments follow in the Aud together with the men from the 7pm men’s presentation.
For Men Only: The Real St. Joseph and the Tools for Real Manhood in the Home, the Church and the World! Presented by Deacon Mark Kehl on Monday, January 30 from 7-8pm at our Lady of Pompeii Ministry Center (St. Joseph Room), 129 Laverack Avenue, Lancaster. All men are welcome! Free will offering accepted. Refreshments follow in the Aud together with the women from the 7pm women’s presentation.