OFFICE HOURS are by appointment!  Please feel free to call at any time.


See our Family of Parishes calendar to get all the up-to-date information on programs and liturgical opportunities.

Here is the link referred to in the July 27-28, 2024 Know Your Faith column:

Scripture Studies:

Hiatus until Fall:   Join our regular Bible Study every Tuesday from 4-5 PM via Zoom: Click Here 

Check out the Life Resources Page Here:

Coming by the end of July: Faith Formation Year for our Family of Parishes 2024-25 newsletter.  Click here!  

Updates for 2024-2025 coming in July 2024

Family Faith Formation – All ages and grade levels meet at Blessed Trinity.  Enjoy a meal together with separate sessions for children and adults.  We get back together for a family “project.” Books for public school and preschool children will be distributed at this meeting.  Our next session is September 2024 at Blessed Trinity.  This is open to all children from pre-school to through grade 8 and their parents.  $10/student per year. 

Confirmation – This is a two-semester program – All students and Baptized adults who have not yet been Confirmed are welcome to join us for Session II beginning in September 2024.  Please contact the parish office to join us.  Candidates are encouraged to bring their sponsor. Confirmation in November 2024.  A service project and retreat are required.

Family Camping – We had a wonderful time.  See you September 2024!

Baptism Preparation – Please contact the rectory to register for a session to help you prepare for the baptism of your child under 7 years old.  A baptism class for parents wishing to have a child under the age of 7 baptized will be held September 4, 2024, 6:30 PM at Blessed Trinity in the classroom.  Registration for this class is preferred.  Contact your parish office.  Sessions are held three times a year. Contact Pat Dyer (BT) for more information. Fee is $16.00.

Religious Education Pre-Kindergarten through High School – Please fully complete the registration form.  Children over age 7 who have not been baptized will also enroll in RCIA-Children.  Parents are required to attend the quarterly sessions with their children and are expected to worship with one of our Family of Parishes and complete their at-home assignments. Dates coming soon. Contact Pat Dyer (BT) for more information. Fee is $10/child.  Maximum fee is $50 per family.

First Communion – Children who worship with one of our Family parishes and are in at least the second grade are welcome to prepare to join us at the Table of the Lord.  We begin with supper at 6:00 PM.  Parents attend with their children.  All classes will be held at Blessed Trinity for 2025.  Contact Pat Dyer (BT) for more information. 


Adult and Adolescent Conversation Starter Series

Contemporary topics of major importance are presented throughout the year, sometimes in conjunction with other organizations. Held at one of our parishes.  Watch for announcements. Contact Pat Dyer (BT.) No fee.

Scripture Studies 

Virtual from BT via Zoom.  Featuring TBD Fall 2024 Tuesdays at 4 PM.  Link above,

Thursdays at 6 PM via Zoom with Fr. Gabe – contact Ss. Columba-Brigid for a Zoom Link.

Sundays at 10 AM in-person at Ss. Columba-Brigid.  No class the last Sunday of the month.

Tuesdays In-person at SMdP – dates vary.  Contact Barrett Fletcher for more information or call SMdP. 

 No fees.


This is a five-week class that discusses the rites themselves and is held in the spring prior to Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.  The classes offer similar content but are geared to different age groups.  Please sign-up for Children (age 7 to 15) or Adults (age 16 and up.)  Both classes are held at CB.  Children should also enroll in our K-8 religious education program and adults in Alpha. Adults will be enrolled in other programs dependent upon their existing level of understanding and participation.  No fee.

 Adults who have been baptized but have not received the other sacraments are encouraged to speak with one of our group leaders.  They will be able to help you decide what type of preparation, if any, is needed.  


Prayers for First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation


BUSTED HALO – Very teen and young adult friendly

USCCB – Current topics Older teens and adults

Holy Heroes – Activities for pre-school and school age children

Teaching Catholic Kids – From Our Sunday Visitor



  • Construction paper & glue sticks 
  • Crayons – both mixed colors and multicultural skin colors
  • Hole punch, Children’s scissors & chalk
  • Yarn, ribbon &  cord
  • Lunch food for kids meetings, snacks for adult programs
  • Push pins & poster putty &Puppets
  • Bright colored cotton or cotton blend fabric
  • Sponsor a child’s textbook $22
  • Four mixed bags of jelly beans