Welcome to Life Resources

Suicide and Crisis Hotline – 988

Basic Needs

Besides all the information below, there is an interactive website run by Catholic Charities with services throughout the Diocese run by parishes.  Check it out HERE

Clothing and furniture:

St. Vincent de Paul Society and its parish-based affiliates can help with many of these things.  1298 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14209 or contact the St. Lawrence Food Pantry 716-896-0047.  They have a relationship with a parish based ministry.


  • St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy – 325 Walden Ave in Buffalo
  • Response to Love Center – 130 Kosciuszko St. in Buffalo 
  • City Mission – 100 E Tupper St. in Buffalo.
    Meals on Wheels:  www.feedmorewny.org. Choose “services” and then “meals.”  Complete the application form.  

Emergency housing:

  • City Mission – 100 E Tupper St. in Buffalo
  • Salvation Army – will also help to obtain permanent housing 960 Main St. in Buffalo 716-883-9800
  • Department of Social Services – 158 Pearl St. in Buffalo 716-858-8000

Low-cost health service

  • Department of Health 716-858-7690 (Vaccines and Lead)

Emergency Pregnancy Services:  

  • Sometimes people are just scared. Listen.  Listen and listen again. Share a cup of coffee together.  
  • Help for Moms 
  • Catholic Organizations
  • Next as needed, Diocesan Pro-life office (847-2205,)
  • Mother Teresa Home (424-0217,)
  • St. Gianna Molla Center (842-2229.)  The Pro-life Office will know exactly which services are available from each of these options.  The St. Gianna Molla center has more than one location.
  • Harvest House Baby Ministry requires referrals, but can often help with clothing and emergency furnishings as well as emergency formula.  They can be very helpful if a relative suddenly gains custody of an infant.  Contact the office and ask for our Pastoral Associate or our Food Pantry for a referral.


Those who are elderly or dying also face pain and loneliness.  The Church teaches that life is to be respected through natural death.  As we grow older, we need increased levels of support, but support as adults.   

  • If you suspect an adult is being abused or neglected call the Elder Abuse Hotline for Erie County 716-858-6877.  
  • Help when a loved one has dementia: Alzheimer’s Association of Western New York has help and support for families no matter the cause of memory loss.  Visit https://www.alz.org/wny and give them a call!  (Pat Dyer also has some resources available.) 

  • Telephone numbers for Catholic Charities’ senior programs can be found HERE.  
  • There is also Hospice (ask the person’s healthcare provider) and visits from familiar people from one’s own parish (Compassion Ministry.)  
  • Frequently there are questions about what is appropriate healthcare when someone is dying or terminally ill.  Here is just one example:  Should a feeding tube be placed when a person cannot eat on his/her own?  The crucial question here is “Are we prolonging life or prolonging death?”   Don’t go it alone.  Ask when you have questions.  No time?  Call the hospital chaplain.  You already know some of them: Fr. Butch (ECMC,) Fr. Duke (Sister’s,) and Fr. Chris (VA.)
  • Remember, if you are the caregiver to care for yourself.  Take an afternoon off to go to a movie, or shopping or for a walk.  Do not be afraid to ask for help.
  • The Church never condones assisted dying, but insists that everything possible be done for the comfort of the dying person and to enable them to be with those they love until their very last moment on earth.  This time together can be a wonderful blessing, a time to give back to those who have given of themselves to you over the years.  If you have questions, call the office.  If Fr. Bob is unavailable contact Pat Dyer 716-256-2598.  If they cannot help you, they will find someone who can.  You can also reach one of our other priests.  Our deacons are also available: contact any parish office.

 Marriage and Family Concerns

It is hard to believe that people who once cared for each other are now threatening or physically harming each other.  Or that someone who once held a great job is now unemployed, a healthy partner now is ill and unable to work or care for himself. We strive to prevent these situations, but when they happen we need a place to obtain help. Sometimes it is possible to prevent family disruption.  Two common causes of family disruption are medical and financial crises.  Who can help?

Family counseling and drug addictions:

  • Emergencies and threats of suicide 716-834-3131
  • Parent Child Interactive Training for disruptive children ages 3-7 Best Self 716-994-0888
  • Counseling services Msgr. Carr Center 716-895-1033
  • Spectrum Human Services (Drugs and serious behavior problems) 716-884-5797
  • Child & Family Services 716-842-2750
  • Horizons (Addictions) 716-831-1800
  • Support groups meet at Ss. Columba-Brigid in the church: Mondays 8 PM Full Effect, Wednesdays 6 PM Honest Solutions, Sundays 8 PM 

Housing crises:

  • Urban League (Foreclosures and Evictions) 716-881-4622

Domestic Violence:

  • Family Justice Center 716-862-HELP
  • Urban League (Legal and housing) 716-881-5622
  • Haven House Shelter 716-884-6000

Food emergencies and other food needs

We throw away so much food, while others go hungry.  Where do we turn for help? Catholic Central Food Pantry (That’s Us!) Wednesdays from 9:30 AM -1:30 PM in St. Charles’ Hall

  • St. Lawrence Food Pantry 716-896-0047 for an appointment.  Mondays and Thursdays.  Delivery may be available for those without transportation.
  • Catholic Charities’ Food Pantries – several locations 716-332-1168
  • WIC pays for nutritious food for pregnant and nursing women and children under five.  716-218-1484 extension 2154

Counseling and other mental health services:

  • Catholic Charities – multiple offices ccwny.org
  • Msrg. Carr Center – 716- 895-1033

Refugee and Immigrant Services

When you see a refugee resettling in this country, they are coming from an entirely different society.  Our values may be different.  Many refugee parents are afraid that if their children are not perfect, they will be sent out of the country.  Others feel so safe here, that they do not follow the same safety precautions that you and I would follow – Bicycles on streets. Going out alone at night.  They may live in crowded apartments.  Understand that these circumstances are so much better than what they had.  Try not to judge them, but know where help can be found. What services are available?  

  • Catholic Charities Resettlement Program https://ccwny.org/immigration/
  • Jericho Road Ministries 716-881-0539
  • International Institute 716-883-1900
  • Journey’s End 716-882-4963