Dear Friends,
You can’t help but notice our unique architecture, but there is so much more beyond this ornate façade. We welcome you to take a closer look and share worship with the friendly, ethnically diverse congregation that meets within these walls.
We trust that our songs and prayers, outreach and service, and our way of being church is an encouragement to those who make their homes in this community.
The Blessed Trinity Parish Council

Mission Statement
We are the loving, welcoming community of Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic Church, endowed with a diversity of backgrounds, gifts and experiences. Our lives are based on faith, hope and charity, guided by the Holy Spirit, and sustained by the sacraments. Our faith life extends to the larger community around us, and we enthusiastically commit ourselves to serve our neighbors and each other.
About Us
A small congregation of approximately 200 individuals and families, we are a close-knit, culturally diverse community in the northeast section of the City of Buffalo, NY. Founded in 1906, the parish has reflected the many changes that have occurred in the neighborhood and the city over more than a century. In 1993, the former St. Bartholomew and St. Vincent de Paul parishes closed and their congregations merged into Blessed Trinity. In 2008, the former St. James and St. Gerard parishes closed. Once more, new faces and new ideas have contributed to the faith life of this evolving community. We welcome all persons seeking to grow in the love of God and the service of one’s neighbor.
Our present church building is an architectural landmark, on the National Register of Historic Places, and attracts visitors from all over the world. We participate in the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Sacred Sites Open House Weekend each May, New York State’s Path Through History festivities each fall, and Explore Buffalo tours throughout the year. Docent-guided tours can be scheduled at other times by contacting the rectory (716-833-0301).