Aug 6, 2023 | Alumni Memories
“St. Helena,” the bell which hung in the former church and school building (visible in background) from 1909 until 2018, is now permanently displayed in front of church. It was blessed and rededicated by Fr. Victor in a ceremony following the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 6, 2019. Usher Ed Marien, a member of the school’s Class of 1944, rang the bell. Bud Dick, Parish Trustee and member of the Class of 1958 (left), coordinated the School Alumni’s Bell Project, which funded
the bell’s removal, restoration and relocation.
Oct 18, 2009 | Alumni Memories, Alumni News & Photos
CLASS OF 1959 – THE EARLY YEARS. Left to right, 1st row: Michael Forster, name unknown, Francis Nicklas, Thomas Guy, Joseph (Gary) Hens, Richard Kinsella, Richard Ryan, David Frost, Thomas O’Connor, name unknown, Richard Fraas, Thomas Fay. 2nd row: Christine Makowski, Roberta Trout, name unknown, Mollie Hammer, Kathleen Marthia, Mary Ogilvie, Jean Eggers (partially obscured), Deborah Hofstadter, Carolyn Ressler, Marilyn Skilnik, Alice Steins, Patricia Jeitler, Carol Pritchard. 3rd row: Sandra Bator, Jo Ann Brodfuehrer, Maureen Vaughan, Judith Mayer, Gail Rodland, Delores Eberhard, Elaine Pastewski, Dianne Maurer, Mildred Krolczyk, Kathy Dee, Carol Kollmar, Carol Slatterer. Back row: Richard Hens, Charles Collins, Edward Knupfer, Richard Skilnik, Margaret Stiffler, Jean Hibschweiler, Karen Hodgson, Jean Lesch, Donna Schwartz, Mary Lou Steins, David Lesch, Robert Quirk and Patrick McPartland.
Deceased members of the Class of 1959: Jo Ann Brodfuehrer, Charles Collins, Jolene Heitzenrater Brown, Amelia “Mollie” Hammer Czerwinski, Patricia Jeitler, Robert Kriegbaum, Mildred Krolczyk Muranyi, Thomas Long and Patrick McPartland. Class of 1960: Thomas O’Connor