OFFICE HOURS Will resume in August!  Please feel free to call at anytime – I am working from home.



The Church teaches: What can we know, What can we hope for, and What must we do?  Check out our adult and children’s opportunities to fulfill this.

See the brand new Bible Study “Zoom” along with me!  I will be leading this group and we will be discussing the Book of Acts, the beginnings of our Church and what is Church today. 

It seems  that I have been at Blessed Trinity just a few short weeks, yet it has been six months!  And what a six months it has been.  If you have been following this page, you know that we have had lots of ongoing educational efforts despite the pandemic.  Our theme for the next six months – and perhaps beyond is: What can I know? What must I do? and What can I hope for?  Two diocesan projects that are very timely and for Catholic adults (though non-Catholics may join) are a local chapter of Catholic Relief Services and #OneBody.  Please consider joining us for one of these.  

What can we know?

New Bible Study

“Zoom” Along with Me 

Bible Study of the Book of Acts as We Explore the Beginnings of Our Church and the Church of Today.

This group study will all take place on Zoom and will be approximately 40 minutes in length.  Each participant will need to have a personal Bible and a copy of the recent Vatican document on parishes which can be downloaded here.  So, Come along with me, beginning August 17 at 6:30 PM and every other week as we explore just what is Church. This is the ZOOM information: Meeting ID: 772 2468 2835 and Pass Code: 8jZY0h.  Go to Zoom.com to get a free account or you can wait for the email invitation to be sent. Join a “Socially Distancing” friend with masks if you don’t have a computer of your own.  Call Pat Dyer 256-2598 for more information.

Week One August 17 – The notes will be available after the Zoom Meeting  You will need the Vocabulary and questions in advance.

Vocabulary: (Meaning of words we will use in our discussions) 

Church – Body of Christ

Parish Priest – Priest in charge of a parish 

Particular Church – Diocese

Parish – geographic or other boundary

Parishioner – everyone within the parish boundary

Charisms – individual “gifts” and talents

Vocation – something one is called to do

People of God – pretty much all of us                                                                                  

Questions we will ponder: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Church?  Is it different from Parish?  What is the purpose of the Parish? Which, if any, of these scenarios fulfill the Mission of the Parish?

 Think about these four scenarios: 1)  A presidential candidate hears that we have a beautiful architecturally significant worship site and she asks if she can address the assembly next Sunday morning. 2) A parishioner is running for city council. He wants to put a campaign sign on the lawn. 3) The bishop asks us to talk about religious protection legislation for nurses and doctors. As part of this talk we are told to ask those present to sign a petition in favor of the legislation. 4) A child died because of a speeder in our neighborhood last week and a member of the pastoral council wants to petition the city for a speed bump in the neighborhood near the school where the accident occurred. 

You are the Parish Priest. How do you respond to these requests?


UPCOMING CLASSES – Call to Register

Adults over 16:

Beginning Bible Study – This is an interesting series that explores the Bible explaining how it came to be and the different types of writing.  When we are ready to meet again, we will have a series on one of the books of the Bible where we can discuss what we read in more detail and from a Catholic Christian perspective.  This series will get you ready for those discussions.  Each episode is less than 10 minutes.  You can find it here – Bible Project

Adult Confirmation – Classes have begun Look for our on-line study page which will be available in the next few days.  Since, we are still unable to celebrate Mass together we will reschedule Confirmation and our final gathered classes.  Here is Session Two Study Guide Link:Lesson Two Catholic Social Teaching   

Adult Confirmation – Lesson Three  Forming Catholic Consciences

Faithful Citizenship – Cancelled We will have an on-line study page available soon – See link above Forming Catholic Consciences.  This will be rescheduled for classroom discussion as soon as we are able to begin having meetings again.  Links below are from the USCCB.

Catholics Participate in Political Life

Prayers for First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation

First Reconciliation and First Communion – Classes begin via at home instruction.  Books will be available to parents soon.

Spiritual Advisement Information Session – To be rescheduled

Weekly Lessons for school age children will be available at the east parking lot entrance to the church when we return to regular worship schedule.  Additional lessons can be found on the links pages.  New lessons and books for faith formation will be available soon.



Catholic Relief Services New Local Chapter

A new group is forming!  If you are interested in social justice, especially world or national issues, you may be interested in the newly formed local  Catholic Relief Services chapter.  I invite you to join us for our next meeting.  I will have a link here as soon as it is available.  Give me a call for more information at 256-2598.


  • Construction paper & glue sticks 
  • Crayons – both mixed colors and multicultural skin colors
  • Hole punch, Children’s scissors & chalk
  • Yarn, ribbon &  cord
  • Lunch food for kids meetings, snacks for adult programs
  • Push pins & poster putty &Puppets
  • Bright colored cotton or cotton blend fabric
  • Children’s religious stories books (new or like new)
  • Pillows which can be used on the floor
  • Colored copier paper
  • Printer ink – ask which kind we need
  • Sponsor a child’s textbook $15
  • Four mixed bags of jelly beans & ½ pound of wheat seed
  • Small ziplock lunch bags
  • Two mirrors
  • Tree of Life template/stencil (for painting)
  • Coffee Pot & Small microwave
  • Flat screen internet ready television 36-40 inches with built-in DVD player, and a stand (so we can use it in several different spaces.)

What can we hope for?

Prayer and Spirituality

Sunday 10AM Mass has resumed, and we’d love to see you her.  But, are you ready to come back?  Here is a good reflection that will help you to decide.  Five Things to Consider

We will be rescheduling our Spiritual Direction information session, but I thought that you might like to have some other resources available right now.  This is an old book, Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment by Joyce Rupp.  It is a guide which can be used for an entire year.  This excerpt is from May. “When I look at the earth so lovely in springtime readiness, I reflect on what it is like to have my heart ready for the word of God.  I, too, must be open to the turning over and turning under of last year’s harvest. … Most of all, I must believe in my potential to receive the word of God and my potential to become an ever more whole human being, recognizing and developing the gifts which the sower has given me.” (Rupp, 1985, p 69)