March 14 – March 21, 2021
COVID-19 Precautions: The Diocese of Buffalo has relaxed restrictions on capacity at worship services. See, Nov. 26 COVID-19 Update. It is NOT necessary to make a reservation to attend Mass at Blessed Trinity.
NEW: In addition to in-person worship, weekend Masses are now being livestreamed on our Facebook page: Blessed Trinity R. C. Church. Click HERE to view. (If you “Like” and “Follow Us” on Facebook, you should receive notification when future Masses are posted). Later in the day, a recording of the Mass is available on YOU TUBE.
Personal copies of the Breaking Bread missal are available for each parishioner who would like one. You may claim yours at church and either take it home or place it in a zip-lock bag and reclaim it when you come again. Paper copies of the bulletin are also available. Look for them at the middle crossing of the church.
Keep in mind, the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and on other Holy Days of Obligation remains in effect in our diocese.
Please pray for the health and safety of all in our community.
Weekly Activities
NEW: Our office is now open Monday – Wednesday from 10:30am – 2:30pm; closed Thursday and Friday.
All in-person meetings and activities remain cancelled until further notice, with the exception of the Food Pantry.
Monday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. ~ CCCB In-person Lenten Journey Mass at St. Martin de Porres, 555 Northampton St.
Tuesday, March 16 at 7:00 p.m. ~ ZOOM Choir Rehearsal for Easter
Wednesday, March 17 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ EXTENDED HOURS ~ Catholic Central Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Now operating every other Wednesday (Mar 17, 31, Apr 14 etc.) but with extended hours. Volunteers will distribute pre-prepared bags of groceries.
Friday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m. ~ CCCB Virtual Stations of the Cross from Blessed Trinity.
Mass Intentions
The regular schedule for weekend Masses is in effect, and the NEW schedule for daily Mass, as of Monday, November 9, 2020 is: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 11 AM. There is no morning Mass on Thursdays.
Sunday, March 14 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ejimadu Family (Req. by Fidelia Ejimadu)
Monday, March 15 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Praying for All Souls (Req. by St. Theresa’s Parish)
Tuesday, March 16 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Members of the Crib Donors Guild (Our Lady of Victory Parish)
Wednesday, March 17 ~ St. Patrick ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds, and Pfeiffer Families (Req. by Estate of Mary Reilly)
Thursday, March 18 ~ St. Cyril of Jerusalem ~ No Mass scheduled.
Friday, March 19 ~ St. Joseph ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – In Memory of Alice Rose Schroeder (Req. by The Schroeder Family.)
Saturday, March 20 ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – In Memory of Sean Godios (Req. by Jack E. Curtin)
Sunday, March 21 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Eternal Joy for Sara Dick (Req. by Bud and Mickey Dick)
The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week in remembrance of Alice Rose Schroeder by the Schroeder Family.
Lector Schedule ~ March 20: Michael Ogoh; March 21: Bob Heicklen
News from our Parish Community
A Note from Father Bob ~ Walk the Journey ~ together!…
How often do parents and teachers say to children, “Walk, don’t run!” That may not be bad advice for all of us for setting the pace of our Lenten Journeying. This is certainly a time for deep introspection, soul-searching, and prayerful pondering. We need more than a few-flash-moments for honestly confronting ourselves and examining our relationship with Jesus. The interior journey needs our slow consideration and attention. To use an image from scripture, God’s voice is a “still, small voice”. We need a pace in life and prayer that allows us to hear, take note, and heed that voice. Consider these words of wisdom, “Many are going nowhere fast!” Hopefully our journey of these days takes us “somewhere slow” and that somewhere is arriving at the foot of the Cross… our hope, our saving, our victory!
“Many hands make light work.” How You Can Help: Preparing our church for Holy Week presents several challenges not faced in previous years. Scaffolding is scheduled to be removed during the week of March 22, but dust and grime resulting from the restorative work will remain. Since the following Sunday (Mar 28) is Palm Sunday, we will need to do some serious dusting, vacuuming and floor washing on Saturday, March 27! Details to follow.
Know Your Faith: “Praise be to You, My Lord” – “Laudato si’, mi Signore.” Our next topic in Catholic Social Teaching is Care for God’s Creation. “Then God said: Let us make* human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth.” (Gen 1:26) “God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good.” (Gen 1:31)
I am deferring to the Catholic Bishops for this discussion. What you will see and hear as you look at the bulletin insert and the videos shared on the Faith Formation and Facebook pages is how closely linked caring for the earth is to the poor and vulnerable as well as the very deep theological connection to the creation of people in the image and likeness of God. In April we also celebrate Earth Day. Perhaps we can consider a neighborhood clean up day?
Pope Francis’ Prayer intentions
Sacrament of Reconciliation March 2021: Let us pray that we may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.
We have an opportunity for reconciliation at Ss. Columba-Brigid on Monday evening March 22 at 7PM.
Fundamental Rights April 2021: We pray for those who risk their lives while fighting for fundamental rights under dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and even in democracies in crisis.
~ Pat Dyer
Lenten Liturgical Schedule ~ Continue to watch the bulletin and Click HERE for a schedule of Lenten opportunities for prayer, worship, and reconciliation. Note the virtual opportunities to pray the Stations of the Cross, streaming from the different Central Buffalo Churches (“CCCB”) on the Fridays of Lent, and in-person CCCB Journey Masses each Monday.
Photos of Blessed Trinity’s Stations of the Cross, painted on copper by Vincent Mondo of New Haven, Connecticut, will be featured during the CCCB’s “Stations of the Cross” this Friday, March 19. The virtual service will be available from our church on ZOOM, beginning at 7 PM. The Passcode is: 355159.
New “Scripture Study” Continues on March 23 and April 13. We have finished Acts and have begun our study of the Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community, a teaching on parishes from the Congregation of the Clergy in Rome. Join us in hearing about our pope’s vision of the parish of the future. You can review a copy of the document ahead of time by clicking HERE; join the ZOOM meeting HERE.
Palm Sunday Weekend Notice – In order to best celebrate this special day, and to keep in conformity with the rest of our parish Holy Week & Easter schedule (one mass or service per day), there will be only one parish celebration that weekend ~ Sunday, March 28, at 10:00 AM.
New Opportunity to Memorialize a Loved One or Special Intention ~ The Sanctuary Lamp is a lamp that is continually burning near or before the tabernacle of every Catholic Church throughout the world. It signifies that the Blessed Sacrament, the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, is present and reserved in the tabernacle. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal in the Catholic Church states: “In accordance with traditional custom, near the tabernacle a special lamp, fueled by oil or wax, should be kept alight to indicate and honor the presence of Christ.” The glass encasing the candle or oil flame is often red in color. With a donation of $10, we are now offering the opportunity for you to memorialize a loved one or intention. The lit lamp, in remembrance of your intention, will burn throughout the week. If interested, please contact the rectory, 716-833-0301. Additionally, we will offer the same opportunity to memorialize a loved one or intention with a donation for the gifts of Bread (Hosts) and Wine used at each mass. If interested in providing for these gifts, please contact the rectory, 716-833-0301.
Our Parish Financial Picture ~ Every parish family should have recently received a letter in the mail Father Bob and our Finance Council keeping you informed of our current financial picture. I ask your prayerful consideration of the financial challenges we face in these difficult times. Thank you for any ways you can offer your generosity in prayer, time, talent and treasure!
Catholic Charities Appeal 2021 ~ When you are troubled, we are hope. The opioid addiction crisis hasn’t left one corner of Western New York untouched. To combat this serious problem that’s plaguing our communities, Catholic Charities provides a Chemical Dependency Treatment Program. Our outpatient program is New York State OASAS-licensed and seeks to treat addiction with a combination of therapy and medicine. Your donation to the 2021 Appeal helps us continue to provide. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Bob Heicklen, Blessed Trinity’s Campaign Chair. Thank you in advance for your support. Please make this a part of your Lenten almsgiving.
Job Opportunities at Blessed Trinity ~ Are you or someone you know looking for work? We have a part-time general housekeeping position now available. It involves general parish rectory housekeeping, cleaning responsibilities, and occasional laundry. 10-16 hours/month. Send applications to Blessed Trinity RC Church, 317 Leroy Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14214 (716-833-0301) or email blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com.
If weather or COVID or illness is preventing you from joining us in person, you can watch our weekend Masses LIVE on Facebook at 4:30 PM on Saturdays and 10:00 AM on Sundays as well as all Holyday Masses. If you miss us LIVE, you can check out the recording later on YouTube.
FAMILY PROMISE OF WNY: Feed the Hungry, Shelter the Homeless. Family Promise offers us the opportunity to perform these acts of charity in a very direct and personal manner. Since September, Blessed Trinity parishioners have purchased and delivered groceries on five days to the Family Promise shelter at Ss. Brigid-Columba Parish. With a few more volunteers we hope to continue this at least one day a month. We are working in pairs so that you can expect your turn to be every third month. We hope you will join us. If you want more background information go to the web site,, or contact Amy Johnson (836-4694).
- Family Promise is certified by NYS and can house up to six families.
- It is one of only two emergency shelters in Erie County that allow fathers and teenage sons to stay with their family.
- Families are referred by the Dept. of Social Services and receive case management in finding employment and permanent housing, security deposit assistance, day care, school transport, and follow up support upon leaving the shelter.
- In 2020, the Homeless Alliance of WNY rated Family Promise with the best success rate for moving families into permanent homes.
Is it time to update your contact information? During the past 9 months when the COVID-19 Protocols prevented many from attending church services, the ability to keep in touch by telephone, mail or email took on increased importance. Because not everyone has computer access, really important information is sent in a letter. Even though we are now able to resume Mass attendance, this may be a good time to ask yourself: Does the church office have my correct mailing address and phone number? (Important, too, for contact tracing). Have I shared my email address? Make sure that we have been notified of any changes in your contact information by completing this form. This is also a chance to let us know if you: wish to receive the bulletin electronically via email, register as a parishioner, or request envelopes. You can also submit the requested information by phoning our secretary at 716-833-0301 any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm; sending an email to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com; or using the contact feature below to submit the information. If you choose either of the last two, please use “Contact Update” as the subject of the email or message.
Virtual Church Tour ~ Buffalo Rising and Explore Buffalo teamed up to give their online followers a “tour” of Blessed Trinity. You can join them, by Clicking HERE. You will be treated to both exterior and interior photos and more than a little history. Take the “tour” and test your knowledge about your house of worship
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Help for Victims of Domestic Violence ~ Because of COVID-19, the Family Justice Center (“FJC”) is not accepting walk-in appointments or in-person meetings. In case of emergency, call 911. For help with safety planning or other services you may need during this time, call or text the FJC Safeline, 716-558-SAFE (7233).
Food Assistance for Seniors ~ The County of Erie advises anyone over the age of 60 who is in need of food assistance to call 716-858-8526.