The Conversion of St. Paul
January 25
Paul, the “apostle of the Gentiles,” was born a roman citizen in Tarsus and educated as a Pharisee. His experience of the risen Christ resulted in his conversion. He went to Jerusalem and, through the intervention of Barnabas, came to be trusted and accepted in the Christian community. The portrait head of St. Paul is above the church narthex and best viewed from the choir loft.
Photo credit: Margaret Dick
January 24 – January 31, 2021
COVID-19 Precautions: The Diocese of Buffalo has relaxed restrictions on capacity at worship services. See, Nov. 26 COVID-19 Update. It is no longer necessary to make a reservation to attend Mass at Blessed Trinity.
NEW: In addition to in-person worship, weekend Masses are now being livestreamed on our Facebook page: Blessed Trinity R. C. Church. Click HERE to view. (If you “Like” and “Follow Us” on Facebook, you should receive notification when future Masses are posted). Later in the day, a recording of the Mass is available on YOU TUBE.
Personal copies of the Breaking Bread missal are available for each parishioner who would like one. You may claim yours at church and either take it home or place it in a zip-lock bag and reclaim it when you come again. Paper copies of the bulletin are also available. Look for them at the middle crossing of the church.
Keep in mind, the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday and on other Holy Days of Obligation remains in effect in our diocese.
Please pray for the health and safety of all in our community.
Weekly Activities
All in-person meetings and activities remain cancelled until further notice, with the exception of the Food Pantry.
Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 p.m. ~ ZOOM Bible study: the Acts of the Apostles (chapters 17 & 18)
Wednesday, February 3 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ EXTENDED HOURS ~ Catholic Central Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Now operating every other Wednesday (Feb 3, 17, Mar 3, etc.) but with extended hours. Volunteers will distribute pre-prepared bags of groceries.
Mass Intentions
The regular schedule for weekend Masses is in effect, and the NEW schedule for daily Mass, as of Monday, November 9, 2020 is: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 11 AM. There will be no morning Mass on Thursdays.
Sunday, January 24 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Carl Barone (Req. Grace Schaefer and Ann Chriscitiello)
Monday, January 25 ~ The Conversion of St Paul ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds, and Pfeiffer Families (Req. by Estate of Mary Reilly)
Tuesday, January 26 ~ Ss. Timothy and Titus ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Special Intentions of Marian Bleyle (Req. by Your Parish Family)
Wednesday, January 27 ~ St. Angela Merici ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Special Intentions of Mary Ellen Roche (Req. by Your Parish Family)
Thursday, January 28 ~ St. Thomas Aquinas ~ No Mass scheduled.
Friday, January 29 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Praying for All Souls (Req. by St. Theresa Parish)
Saturday, January 30 ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Carl Barone (Req. Grace Schaefer and Ann Chriscitiello)
Sunday, January 31 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Blessings for Charles Horton (Req. Grace Schaefer and Ann Chriscitiello)
Lector Schedule ~ Jan 30: Jack Curtin; Jan 31: Mary Kresse

St Clare is one of six saints associated with the Eucharist who is depicted (center right) in silver relief on the doors of our Tabernacle. (Rev. Walter Kern’s Guidebook to Blessed Trinity R.C. Church, page 30).
Photo credit: Margaret Dick
News from our Parish Community
A note from Father Bob ~ Wishing all of us a hopeful New Year 2021 as I share some New news!…
Pat Pendleton, our parish administrative assistant since 2017, has retired as of mid-January. Pat was an anchor for so many of our administrative needs. She acted as receptionist, secretary, bulletin editor-producer, liturgy assistant, advisor, and gal Friday extraordinaire. She was dedicated, dependable and an all-around pleasant presence here at BT. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors as we bid her well and with our prayers for God’s fullest blessings!
I am happy to announce that Barbara Sercu, former parish administrative assistant, has returned to fill the position left open with Pat’s leaving. Welcome back, Barb! Barb served the parish, in this same capacity, during the latter days of Fr. Reger’s and Sr. Barbe’s time here. Already Barb has stepped in with confidence and the expertise that will make for this transition a smooth continuance. Please feel free to stop in the parish office any M, T, or W to say hello to Barb, reintroduce yourselves, and to welcome her back with our gratitude!
I also welcome Peter Anaka to our staff here. Pete is working in a flexible, part-time maintenance capacity as he is able (Pete already holds a full-time position elsewhere) and we have need. He is assisting us with snow removal, general cleaning tasks, painting, and small fix-it jobs. Like Barb, Pete brings a happy, helpful presence to the parish!
As many of you know, I started the New Year by contracting the Covid virus. I am grateful to God for the prayers, concerns, and thoughts of many and the fact that my symptoms allowed me to quarantine without hospitalization. Mostly, for a few days, the virus just wore me down to feeling achy and tired all the time and with a slight cough. I slept more than I think I ever have. I escaped many of the other worse symptoms, so the experience gave me a much deeper appreciation of the struggles that confront people with more severe conditions. Let us continue to pray for a solution to the problems of distributing the vaccine, an end to this pandemic, and for the many forms of healing that are needed for so many.
Again, I call to your attention to the major restoration work that is occurring within our church building. This well-coordinated and massive project has brought many skilled artisans to our place of worship. I must say that each of them has been a pleasure to work with, gracious, and accommodating. Important to each of us, as parishioners, is the need for everyone to keep a watchful eye to prevent injury and secure the safety of all during this time when equipment, electrical cords and ropes, and scaffolding will continue to be moved from place to place within the church.
Finally, with the inauguration this past Wednesday, regardless of our political positions and biases, let’s all pray for the unification of our nation, a recommitment to cooperation, compromise, & the common good, and a faith-commitment to raise a voice against any injustice – racism and discrimination, the taking of life, poverty, abuse, environmental disregard, inequalities in the distribution and wasteful, detrimental use of the worlds natural resources…. Pray for Peace!
The Second Collection on January 24 benefits Catholic Relief Services. Your contribution funds several national Catholic organizations (e.g., American BPS Overseas Relief, Rice Bowl) that aid victims of natural disasters and armed conflict; provide agricultural assistance, water programs, and health care; resettle newcomers to the U.S.; help alleviate poverty in developing countries by providing credit to small entrepreneurs; provide legal support services for poor immigrants; and advocate for policies and programs that promote global justice and peace. Less than 2 cents of every dollar is used for fund raising and administration expenses for the Collection. Please give generously.
From the Loft ~ I have been fascinated by the simple Latin text Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est for years, and I am grateful that there are three beautiful settings of these words in our Breaking Bread. The English translation is Where there is true charity, God is present. I believe this is a fundamental characteristic of the community of Blessed Trinity.
What better time than Ordinary Time to delve into the different settings of this lovely text. This week’s communion hymn was composed by Laurence Rosania in 1992, making this the oldest setting of this text in our hymnal. A native of Philadelphia, Laurence Rosania holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Yale University and a master’s degree in religion and spirituality from Fordham University. He is an established composer at Oregon Catholic Press and we sing several of his hymns at Mass. His hymn text becomes a beautiful prayer when read in its entirety.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
We gather together in the love of Christ;
let each one be glad in him and rejoice.
Our God is alive, the God of love is near;
so love one another with a heart sincere.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
We, the many, become one body as the Spirit binds,
and we seek to be one in Christ and one in heart and mind.
Let all quarrels, all division, all our conflict cease;
then will Christ truly dwell among us as our Lord of Peace.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Then, joined with the blessed, filled with hope and grace,
dear Lord, in great glory, may we see your face.
Our joy none can measure, joy that knows no end,
resounding from endless age to age. Amen.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
God is here!
– Elizabeth Clay
Zoom Bible Study resumes on Tuesday, January 26 at 7pm. We are now reading Chapters 17 and 18 of the Acts of the Apostles. The same link will work for each meeting; click HERE to enter the discussion. If you encounter a problem with the link, use Meeting ID:762 8722 8149 (Pass Code: jLD8Gg). Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes.
If the weather or COVID or illness is preventing you from joining us in person, you can watch our weekend Masses LIVE on Facebook at 4:30 PM on Saturdays and 10:00 AM on Sundays as well as all Holyday Masses. If you miss us LIVE, you can check out the recording later on YouTube.
Interior restoration ~ Now that repairs to the tile roof of the church — part of our grant project — have been completed, restoration of interior art work and repairs to the ceiling of the church have begun. The placement of scaffolding for this project is extensive, so whether you are watching our livestreamed video or attending in person, you won’t be able to avoid it. The work is expected to continue into March 2021. If all goes as planned, it will be completed before Easter. As you enter the church, please be very aware of your surroundings and open to alternative seating if your pew of choice is now unavailable.
Job Opportunities at Blessed Trinity ~ We have several part-time positions now available. Are you or someone you know looking for work?
Part-time General Housekeeping ~ General parish rectory housekeeping; cleaning responsibilities. Occasional laundry. 10-16 hours/month.
Part-time Maintenance Position ~ Jack-of-all-trades; general maintenance/cleaning. Familiarity with light plumbing, electrical, heating. Lawn maintenance, weekday snow removal. 1-2 days/week. Flexible hours/days.
Send applications to Blessed Trinity RC Church, 317 Leroy Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14214 (716-833-0301) or email blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com.
Prisoner Gift Bags for 2021 ~ We are asking those who volunteered to decorate gift bags for the 2021 Prisoner Project to return them (decorated or not) by January 31. You may place them in the box in the back pew. Thank you for donating your time and talent to continue Sr. Karen’s work of mercy.
Members of the Ladies Sodality are reminded that membership runs with the calendar year, and 2021 dues are payable in January. They are still only $5 unless you are already a “Life” member (age 80 or above), in which case you are exempt. You may give them to our membership chair, Mickey Dick, or mail them to her at 2549 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14214. Membership is open to all women of the parish, and new members are always welcome.
Catholic Charities Appeal 2021 is underway! Bishop Michael Fisher, Appeal 2021 Chair Rick Cronin, and Deacon Steve Schumer launched the Appeal earlier this week and announced the $10 million goal, as well as the campaign theme, HOPE for all seasons, and this year’s patron saint, Ignatius Loyola. Your donation to the Appeal can support Catholic Charities of Buffalo and the Fund for the Faith. Your donation stays in Western New York and helps those in our communities who are struggling to live, work and support their families, and those who need spiritual care and support. You help provide HOPE for all seasons. And it couldn’t be easier: visit www.ccwny.org/donation or call our Helpline at 716-218-1419 today!
Thank you for the Christmas flower donations: Yvonne Andrew, Robert Barnes, Lorna Cameron, Alice Davis, Bud and Mickey Dick, Tom Dinder, Roberta Evans, Anthony Hartmann, Amy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karlis, and Elizabeth Sands Clay.
Join Our Family Promise Ministry ~ As a shelter for homeless families and recently certified by NYS, Family Promise of WNY is following new health and safety guidelines and cannot accept donations of home prepared meals. Instead, volunteers have become grocery donors in a food category assigned to the day of the week. Blessed Trinity volunteers did this twice during December, 2020 and found it much easier than coordinating and cooking a full dinner. We signed up for a date on the meal schedule and delivered the requested foods during the day at our convenience. We hope more parishioners will take advantage of this simplified protocol and become part of our Family Promise team. Family Promise also needs volunteers in areas like tutoring and transportation. If you think you might want to help and need more information go to their web site at fpwny.org and click on “Get Involved” to find the grocery sign up schedule. Also, you may contact our parish coordinator, Amy Johnson, at 716-836-4694 and join forces with another member of the team.
Is it time to update your contact information? During the past 9 months when the COVID-19 Protocols prevented many from attending church services, the ability to keep in touch by telephone, mail or email took on increased importance. Because not everyone has computer access, really important information is sent in a letter. Even though we are now able to resume Mass attendance, this may be a good time to ask yourself: Does the church office have my correct mailing address and phone number? (Important, too, for contact tracing). Have I shared my email address? Make sure that we have been notified of any changes in your contact information by completing this form. This is also a chance to let us know if you: wish to receive the bulletin electronically via email, register as a parishioner, or request envelopes. You can also submit the requested information by phoning our secretary at 716-833-0301 any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm; sending an email to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com; or using the contact feature below to submit the information. If you choose either of the last two, please use “Contact Update” as the subject of the email or message.
Lectors ~ If you have not yet done so, please pick up your workbooks for the new liturgical year. They are on the first bench on the Baptismal Font side of the church.
Religious education materials are available now. If you were not contacted please call Pat Dyer at 716-256-2598.
Do you miss being at church? Of course long-time parishioners can probably close their eyes and picture the view from a favorite pew. But if you are not yet able to be physically present, it is possible to make a virtual visit. Buffalo Rising and Explore Buffalo teamed up to give their online followers a “tour” of Blessed Trinity. You can join them, by Clicking HERE. You will be treated to both exterior and interior photos and more than a little history. Take the “tour” and test your knowledge about your house of worship

St. Ignatius of Loyola, patron of the 2021 Catholic Charities Appeal, is depicted in group of twelve identified as “Monks, Hermits, and Religious” in the dome of our church. Ignatius is the fourth figure from the left (standing).
Photo credit: Gary Kelley.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Live-Streamed Daily Mass from Christ the King Church ~ Until further notice, all Masses from Christ the King Church in Snyder will be Live-Streamed at ctksnyder.org/camera-live-stream. Mass times are as follows: Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:30 pm, Sunday at 8 & 10 am, Monday-Friday at 8 am, Monday & Wednesday at 5 pm.
Help for Victims of Domestic Violence ~ Because of COVID-19, the Family Justice Center (“FJC”) is not accepting walk-in appointments or in-person meetings. In case of emergency, call 911. For help with safety planning or other services you may need during this time, call or text the FJC Safeline, 716-558-SAFE (7233).
Food Assistance for Seniors ~ The County of Erie advises anyone over the age of 60 who is in need of food assistance to call 716-858-8526.