St. Elizabeth of Hungary, whose feast day we celebrate on November 17, is depicted in Joseph Mazur’s procession of saints in the church dome. The daughter of the King of Hungary, she wears a crown and appears as the second standing figure from the right. Photo credit: Gary Kelley
November 15 – November 22, 2020
Weekly Activities
All in-person meetings and activities remain cancelled until further notice, with the exception of the Food Pantry.
Wednesday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m. ~ ZOOM Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 24 at 7:00 p.m. ~ ZOOM Bible Study
Wednesday, November 25, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ EXTENDED HOURS ~ Catholic Central Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Now operating every other Wednesday (Nov 11, Nov 25, Dec 9, etc.) but with extended hours. Volunteers will distribute pre-prepared bags of groceries.
Mass Intentions
The regular schedule for weekend Masses is in effect, and the NEW schedule for daily Mass, as of Monday, November 9, 2020 is: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 11 AM. There will be no Mass on Thursdays.
Sunday, November 15 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Blessings for Spencer Patrick Schroeder (Req. by Colleen Schroeder) and In Memory of Carol Schmelzer (Req. by Mary Karlis)
Monday, November 16 ~ St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Loved Ones (Req. by Blessed Trinity Parishioners)
Tuesday, November 17 ~ St. Elizabeth of Hungary ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Req. by Est. of Mary Reilly)
Wednesday, November 18 ~ Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter & Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Blessings for Sr. Flavia Dampf (Req. by John E. Curtin)
Thursday, November 19 ~ No service scheduled
Friday, November 20 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Req. by Est. of Mary Reilly)
Saturday, November 21 ~ The Presentation of the Bl. Virgin Mary ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Deceased Loved Ones (Req. by Blessed Trinity Parishioners)
Sunday, November 22 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Eternal Rest for Edward F. Schroeder (Req. by Sr. Ann Helene Koenig, OSF) and In Memory of Carl and Evelyn Schmelzer (Req. by Mary Karlis)
Lector Schedule ~ Nov 21: Lorna Cameron; Nov 22: Judy Casassa
News from our Parish Community
Greeting Father Bob ~ Rev. Robert L. Gebhard, Jr., appointed as temporary administrator of Blessed Trinity Parish in October 2020, celebrated Masses with his new congregation on All Saints weekend. “Father Bob” was introduced and officially welcomed at the October 31st and November 1st liturgies by Parish Council President Palma Zanghi. Click HERE to read Ms. Zanghi’s address in its entirety. A receiving line took place after Masses on Saturday and Sunday, November 7 and 8, allowing parishioners the opportunity to introduce themselves to Fr. Bob. A guest book was also provided so that everyone could write him notes of welcome and encouragement.
A Note From Father Bob ~ I thank all of you very much for the warm welcome I have received since my arrival here. As I acknowledged, in some of my comments to you, I know that your past few months have been strained and difficult. Still, you have made my early days and transition here a joy. It was so nice to be able to greet you at the doors of the church last weekend even at “social distance.” I so look forward to the day when we will have no masks or distance between us. In the meantime, I am trying to dig in one day at a time and become familiar with the faith community here. I anticipate good things!!! Gratitude to all.
I want to make you aware that I met the other day with one of the diocesan officials from the department of Buildings & Properties regarding insurance work that needs to be done on the inside of the church. It seemed a very positive meeting and we should have a response from them, and a timeline on repairs, very soon (I hope!)
Finally, I simply bring to your attention the highlight that the Church Universal gives to honoring and remembering those people, and loved ones, who have gone before us in faith during the month of November. This is a time in our church year that helps us to recall the spiritual union of Christians, living and dead. This Communion of Saints includes all those people, great and small, who choose to live life – this life or afterlife – in Christ… or, as I mentioned in my homily two weekends ago, ordinary people who do ordinary things in extraordinary ways because of their faith in Jesus!
The Memory Table, near the Paschal Candle and the Baptismal Font of the church, is our place to bring forth the names and faces of our deceased loved ones and friends. You are invited to write their names on the slips of paper that are provided in the basket there (you must use your own pen due to Covid restrictions), and place them on the table, leave funeral cards and/or leave mementos as a way to express our faith that we, even in death, remain intimately united with them!
The Parish Council will hold a virtual meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, November 18, beginning at 7 p.m.
The Second Collection on November 21/22 benefits the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Your gift supports programs that:
Bring people together to solve community problems;
Create affordable housing for low-income families;
Teach new skills and create jobs;
Help those in poverty achieve self-reliance and self-sufficiency;
Educate Catholics about poverty and Catholic social teaching.
“Life at the Poverty Line. Every day is about hanging on.” Please be generous.
Zoom Bible Study ~ Our ZOOM Bible Study now meets every other TUESDAY at 7pm. The next session will be November 24. It’s not too late to join the conversation as we continue our study of The Acts of the Apostles and explore the beginnings of our Church and the Church of today. We are now reading Chapters 13 and 14. The same link will work for each meeting; click HERE to enter the discussion. If you encounter a problem with the link, use Meeting ID:762 8722 8149 (Pass Code: jLD8Gg). Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes.
Our Communion of Saints ~ Throughout the month of November, we will be remembering our deceased family members and friends at Mass. Take a moment to add the name of a departed loved one at the Memory Table near the Paschal Candle.
For Children over age 7 Who Have Not Been Baptized, our first meeting will be on Sunday, November 29 immediately following the 10 am Mass. Parents who wish to register their children are asked to call Pat Dyer at 716-256-2598 so that we will arrange a space that is big enough to have social distancing in place and adequate materials. We will have a combination of in-person, Zoom and at home studies for an anticipated reception into the Church with Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion at the Easter Vigil 2021.
Remembering Our Homebound This Christmas ~ Our Ladies Sodality has had to rethink their annual outreach to our parishioners who are homebound or living in senior care facilities. Cautionary practices imposed by the coronavirus make it impossible to assemble and deliver gift bags as we have done in the past. Instead, we will be purchasing grocery store gift cards for those living in private residences. For anyone in a senior care facility, we will arrange to have a Mass offered for his/her special intentions. If you are in a position to support our Christmas 2020 Outreach, please place your monetary donation in an envelope marked “Sodality Project” and drop it in the collection basket between now and December 13. Checks should be made payable to: Ladies Sodality of Blessed Trinity. Thank you for your continued support.
Music Ministry: “From the Loft” ~ At Blessed Trinity, music has been integral to the structure of all of our liturgical rites and therefore integral to our worship of God. In a COVID world, the use of music and congregational singing has been challenging, to say the least. This is an opportunity to find new ways to unite our community as we join forces – and voices – to express our shared beliefs. Ideas for Advent and Christmas are just beginning to form, and we need your help. Please bring a pen and jot down your ideas and put them on the table at the bottom of the stairs to the choir loft. It would be wonderful to mold Blessed Trinity’s musical future using your ideas! Current and future musicians at BT, let’s continue to pray for God’s presence in our Music Ministry as we explore these unknown waters!
In Times of Trial
God our comfort and consolation, bless us with your presence today.
Remain with us in the struggles of life and continue to strengthen us to serve.
Let our song of rejoicing go on.
May our witness to the gospel never waver when we face trials or suffering.
Send your angels to watch over us, forever and ever.
From In Holy Harmony: Prayers for Parish Musician, by Alan J. Hommerding
~ Elizabeth Clay
Reflection on Gospel for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Matthew 25:14-30
It was only a few days that I had settled in at the mission assigned me in Chile, South America. The other two sisters were out and as I sat at my desk I heard a knock. New and still keenly aware of my limitations, I froze! My initial reaction was to ignore the knocking, fearing failure. But thanks be to God, His Spirit prevailed this time.
Fear can surely paralyze us and cause us to lose everything as did the servant in todays’ gospel. The fact that the master ‘entrusted his possessions’ to them should have been an obvious sign of the great confidence he was showing. Unfortunately, that third servant let fear get the upper hand.
As we know the word ‘talent’ not only refers to money but to our own personal abilities and gifts; the many qualities our families nurtured in us. God’s gifts are as countless as the stars! And it’s not for us to compare ours with others’ nor to allow ourselves to believe they are not important. The One who bestows them generously, expects us to use them generously.
Many years ago I read an allegory whose main character was called ‘Much Afraid’. Her many fears crippled her, body and soul, until one glorious day after a long journey, she finds her courage and becomes completely transformed.
Most likely all of us have ‘Much Afraid’ moments but hopefully unlike that servant in the gospel we trust that Our master not only lavishes upon us many beautiful gifts but also sends a special one, His Spirit to help us learn how to let them bear fruit.
Sister Ann Marie Grasso, SSMN
Vocation View ~ As children of the light, we realize that the gifts and talents that we have been given to share, especially with the poor and needy. How will you share yours?
Prisoner Gift Bags for 2021 ~ As reported last month, the Prisoner Gift Project for 2020 is canceled. Yet we can remember our prisoners and get a jump on the 2021 project by decorating gift bags this Christmas Season. Covid-19 restrictions have closed us inside so consider using some of your home time decorating next years’ bags. Bags and directions are available for pick up in the back pew. Please plan to return your bags by the end of January 2020.
Join Our Family Promise Ministry ~ As a shelter for homeless families and recently certified by NYS, Family Promise of WNY is following new health and safety guidelines and cannot accept donations of home prepared meals. Instead, volunteers have become grocery donors in a food category assigned to the day of the week. Blessed Trinity volunteers did this on 9/15 and found it much easier than coordinating and cooking a full dinner. We signed up for a date on the meal schedule and delivered the requested foods during the day at our convenience. We hope more parishioners will be able to participate. Family Promise also needs volunteers in areas like tutoring and transportation. If you think you might want to help and need more information go to their web site at fpwny.org and click on “Get Involved” to find the grocery sign up schedule. Also, you may contact our parish coordinator, Amy Johnson, at 716-836-4694
Religious education materials are available now. If you were not contacted please call Pat Dyer at 716-256-2598.
Do you miss being at church? Of course long-time parishioners can probably close their eyes and picture the view from a favorite pew. But if you are not yet able to be physically present, it is possible to make a virtual visit. Buffalo Rising and Explore Buffalo teamed up to give their online followers a “tour” of Blessed Trinity. You can join them, by Clicking HERE. You will be treated to both exterior and interior photos and more than a little history. Take the “tour” and test your knowledge about your house of worship
Is it time to update your contact information? During the past 4 months when the COVID-19 Protocols prevented us from attending church services, the ability to keep in touch by telephone or email took on increased importance. Even though we are now able to resume Mass attendance, this may be a good time to ask yourself: Does the church office have my correct mailing address and phone number? Have I shared my email address? Make sure that we have been notified of any changes in your contact information by completing this form. This is also a chance to let us know if you: wish to be included in our online email list, register as a parishioner, or request envelopes. You can also submit the requested information by phoning our secretary at 716-833-0301 any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm; sending an email to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com; or using the contact feature below to submit the information. If you choose either of the last two, please use “Contact Update” as the subject of the email or message.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Dreaming Without Sleeping, The Human Need for Leisure ~ Monday, November 16, 7-8pm, Our Lady of Pompeii Auditorium (129 Laverack Avenue in Lancaster). Father Peter Santandreu will explore what is meant by the concept of “leisure” and its value for the human person formed in God’s image. RSVP is required to accommodate social distancing planning. Call 716-683-6522.
Canisius High School ~ Entrance and Scholarship Examination will be given Saturday, November 21 at 8:30am ($20). If interested, call Office of Admission at 716-200-0208.
Help for Victims of Domestic Violence ~ Because of COVID-19, the Family Justice Center (“FJC”) is not accepting walk-in appointments or in-person meetings. In case of emergency, call 911. For help with safety planning or other services you may need during this time, call or text the FJC Safeline, 716-558-SAFE (7233).
Food Assistance for Seniors ~ The County of Erie advises anyone over the age of 60 who is in need of food assistance to call 716-858-8526.