All Saints Day
November 1
The lower ring of figures in Joseph Mazur’s painting in the church’s great dome depict saints of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament making their way to heaven.
Photo credit: Gary Kelley.
November 1 – November 8, 2020
Weekly Activities
All in-person meetings and activities remain cancelled until further notice, with the exception of the Food Pantry.
Wednesday, November 11, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ EXTENDED HOURS ~ Catholic Central Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Now operating every other Wednesday (Oct 28, Nov 11, Nov 25, etc.) but with extended hours. Volunteers will distribute pre-prepared bags of groceries.
Mass Intentions
The regular schedule for weekend Masses is in effect, and the NEW schedule for daily Mass takes effect this week. On Monday, November 2, there will be a special 7 PM Mass for All Souls Day. The daily 11 AM Mass will resume on Tuesday, with additional services on Wednesday & Friday. Going forward, the NEW schedule for daily Mass will be Monday-Wednesday & Friday at 11 AM. There will be no Mass on Thursdays.

St. Martin de Porres
November 3
Woodcarving of St. Martin de Porres
in the church’s left transept.
A gift of the Southtowns Woodcarvers.
Sunday, November 1 ~ All Saints Day ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Eternal Joy for Lucy Jackson (Req. by Ladies Sodality of Blessed Trinity) and In Memory of Carl and Evelyn Schmelzer (Req. by Mary Karlis)
Monday, November 2 ~ All Souls Day ~ Mass at 7:00 p.m. – Deceased Parishioners (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Tuesday, November 3 ~ St. Martin de Porres ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Intentions of our Blessed Trinity Parishioners (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Wednesday, November 4 ~ St. Charles Borromeo ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Intentions of our Blessed Trinity Parishioners (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Thursday, November 5 ~ No service scheduled
Friday, November 6 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Intentions of our Blessed Trinity Parishioners (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Saturday, November 7 ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Eternal Joy for Fred Godert (Godert Siblings)
Sunday, November 8 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Birthday Remembrance for Frances Pernick (Siblings) and In Memory of Carl and Evelyn Schmelzer (Mary Karlis)
Lector Schedule ~ Nov 7: John Curtin; Nov 8: Mary Kresse
News from our Parish Community
Welcome Father Bob ~ This weekend we welcome Father Robert Gebhard, Jr., the newly assigned temporary administrator of our parish, and look forward to working with him. It marks Father Bob’s return to urban ministry, as he served as pastor of St. James parish for many years prior to our 2008 merger.
Music Ministry ~ This weekend also marks the return of Elizabeth Clay as our music minister. We hope you enjoy her greeting:
“From the Loft” ~ I am delighted to be “back on the bench” at Blessed Trinity this week. As you may already know, the 1927 Tellers Kent organ had a rough go of it during the COVID quarantine, but its repair in October means it is once again ready to enhance our liturgy – as it has for almost 100 years.
You will notice some changes as we all try to work through strategies to keep everyone safe every week. I will have to remain up in the loft for the foreseeable future. During the week, I am a pediatric physical therapist treating medically compromised children in their homes. In order to meet the requirements of my job, I have to avoid contact with anyone who has been around any infected individual. If I stay up in the loft during Mass, I can meet all of the necessary criteria to keep my job. As lonely as it can be up there, that’s where I will remain for now.
Music Ministers have a lot of challenges during these crazy times. How do we encourage congregational singing and participation with the established guidelines for safety? Over the next weeks, you will notice weekly congregational pages for you to use during Mass so you can read the texts aloud and participate more actively in the liturgy. We will be speaking the Gloria for now, but will be singing the other Mass parts, hopefully with you humming along inside your mask. I’ll be inviting one or two choir members up into the loft so you can hear some of Blessed Trinity’s beautiful voices – and will be providing preludes and postludes each week that may surprise you. If the music moves you, feel free to tap your toes, clap your hands, or speak the words – you won’t be putting anyone at risk by doing so!
I still hope to mold our liturgical music based on your concerns. There is now a notepad on the table at the bottom of the loft stairs. Please write me a note with your favorite hymn or any comments regarding our music program and I will do my best to make it happen. Let’s work together to think outside of the box and make Blessed Trinity’s music program better than ever.
“Over my head, I hear music in the air – there must be a God somewhere.”
~ Elizabeth
Monday, November 2, is All Souls Day. It comes at the beginning of the month in our Liturgical Year when we remember our deceased loved ones. Our Catholic faith reminds us that we “look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” On All Souls Day there will be a special evening Mass at 7pm. It will include a remembrance ceremony for parishioners as well as two Life Members of our Ladies Sodality who have died during the past year. Because of this special liturgy, there will be no 11 a.m. Mass on Monday, November 2.
A Reflection for All Saints Day ~ Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. (Mt 5:11). We are all at different points on the path to holiness, on getting to Heaven and becoming a saint. Part of the journey is being mocked and ridiculed by others. When this happens, how do you respond? Do you become silent? Do you react in anger or do you react with love? Fortunately, as one Body of Christ, we are united with the saints already in Heaven. Ask your favorite saint for guidance in defending the Faith.
The Second Collection on November 7/8 benefits the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Please give generously in support of this institution whose Schools of Religious Studies and Philosophy are internationally recognized.
Sister Flavia Dampf, our former pastoral associate, was called home to God’s loving embrace on Saturday, October 24, 2020, at the age of 96 following years of dedicated service to the Lord. She passed away at the Clarence Residence of the Sisters of St. Joseph, where she has resided since October 24, 2011.
In June 2019 Sister Flavia celebrated her Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Jubilee as a Sister of Social Service. Having worked in various capacities in our parish for more than 30 years, Sr. Flavia is remembered with affection by many parishioners and former parishioners. She is probably best known for her food pantry ministry and close association with the Western New York indigenous community, and her attention to the children of the parish. Sister Flavia also introduced the Advent “Giving Tree,” which has become a parish tradition.
A Mass of Christian Burial and celebration of her life took place on October 28 at Blessed Sacrament Church on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. Memorials may be made to the Cattauraugus Early Childhood Learning Center, c/o the Seneca Nation President’s Office, 90 Ohlyoh Way, P.O. Box 23, Salamanca, NY 14799.

Parishioners (L to R) Maggie Gatson, Bud Dick, Judy Casassa & Mickey Dick celebrated with Sr. Flavia Dampf on the occasion of her 75th Jubilee in June 2019.
Join Our Family Promise Ministry ~ As a shelter for homeless families and recently certified by NYS, Family Promise of WNY is following new health and safety guidelines and cannot accept donations of home prepared meals. Instead, volunteers have become grocery donors in a food category assigned to the day of the week. Blessed Trinity volunteers did this on 9/15 and found it much easier than coordinating and cooking a full dinner. We signed up for a date on the meal schedule and delivered the requested foods during the day at our convenience. We hope more parishioners will be able to participate. Family Promise also needs volunteers in areas like tutoring and transportation. If you think you might want to help and need more information go to their web site at fpwny.org and click on “Get Involved” to find the grocery sign up schedule. Also, you may contact our parish coordinator, Amy Johnson, at 716-836-4694
A New Night and Time for Zoom Bible Study ~ Our ZOOM Bible Study now meets every other TUESDAY at 7pm. The next session will be November 10. It’s not too late to join the conversation as we continue our study of The Acts of the Apostles and explore the beginnings of our Church and the Church of today. We are now reading Chapters 11 and 12. The same link will work for each meeting; click HERE to enter the discussion. If you encounter a problem with the link, use Meeting ID:762 8722 8149 (Pass Code: jLD8Gg). Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes. Those without computers might consider social distancing with a friend (wearing masks). Call Pat Dyer at 716-256-2586 for additional information.
Prisoner Gift Project 2020 ~ Project Coordinator Janice Burns has regretfully canceled the Prisoner Christmas Package Project for 2020 due to Covid-19 cautions and rules. A drop-off of post card greetings to the prisoners was considered, but approval by the administrations of Wende and Albion has not been received in time to organize the event. We can get a jump on the 2021 project by starting to decorate gift bags which will be available here at Blessed Trinity. Watch for future announcements.
Diocese Embarks on “Road to Renewal” ~ The Catholic Faithful, priests, deacons, religious, parish administrators and school leaders of the Diocese of Buffalo have embarked on a journey to reinvigorate Catholic faith, more fully optimize parish and diocesan resources, and increase the impact of our varied ministries throughout Western New York. READ Bishop Scharfenberger’s September 19, 202 Letter to the Faithful about the Road to Renewal.
The Road to Renewal process is aimed at delivering recommendations to Bishop Scharfenberger regarding how parishes can better partner together to share resources, pull together capabilities and ensure greater impact.To that end, Bishop Scharfenberger has assembled a Diocesan Renewal Task Force (DRTF) to manage the process.Their scope is to review our current realities (mass attendance, parish financials, school attendance and financials, etc.) and collect input from people throughout the Diocese.
If you wish to contribute to the discussion, start by Clicking HERE and take an anonymous survey now available online.
We thank our parishioners who participated in the October 1, 2020 Vicariate ZOOM Session with other parishes* in our Northwest Central Buffalo Vicariate.
As indicated on the diocesan web site: “There are no pre-determined conclusions to this process and we seek broad input and candid discussion in order to define options that will ensure a stronger, more sustainable model of Catholic life and ministry in Western New York.” The site also states that “[t]he task force is not a decision-making group, “ and that “[a]ll decisions are reserved to the Bishop is his canonical role.”
November 30, 2020 is the date for the delivery of recommendations from the Task Force to the Bishop, and no actions will be taken before that date. Bishop Scharfenberger will receive the recommendations and reserves the right to further consult with additional groups.
You can learn much more about The Road to Renewal at https://roadtorenewal.org/
Religious education materials are available now. If you were not contacted please call Pat Dyer at 716-256-2598.
Do you miss being at church? Of course long-time parishioners can probably close their eyes and picture the view from a favorite pew. But if you are not yet able to be physically present, it is possible to make a virtual visit. Buffalo Rising and Explore Buffalo teamed up to give their online followers a “tour” of Blessed Trinity. You can join them, by Clicking HERE. You will be treated to both exterior and interior photos and more than a little history. Take the “tour” and test your knowledge about your house of worship

“I believe in … the Communion of Saints….and life everlasting. Amen.”
The last of 12 symbols on our church façade depicting tenants of the Faith (belief in life everlasting) as recited in The Apostles Creed.
Photo credit: Margaret Dick
Is it time to update your contact information? During the past 4 months when the COVID-19 Protocols prevented us from attending church services, the ability to keep in touch by telephone or email took on increased importance. Even though we are now able to resume Mass attendance, this may be a good time to ask yourself: Does the church office have my correct mailing address and phone number? Have I shared my email address? Make sure that we have been notified of any changes in your contact information by completing this form. This is also a chance to let us know if you: wish to be included in our online email list, register as a parishioner, or request envelopes. You can also submit the requested information by phoning our secretary at 716-833-0301 any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm; sending an email to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com; or using the contact feature below to submit the information. If you choose either of the last two, please use “Contact Update” as the subject of the email or message.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
National Elections ~ Sunday, November 1 is the last day for early voting in NYS. Election Day is this Tuesday, November 3, and polls will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM.
Canisius High School ~ Entrance and Scholarship Examination will be given Saturday, November 21 at 8:30am ($20). If interested, call Office of Admission at 716-200-0208.
Help for Victims of Domestic Violence ~ Because of COVID-19, the Family Justice Center (“FJC”) is not accepting walk-in appointments or in-person meetings. In case of emergency, call 911. For help with safety planning or other services you may need during this time, call or text the FJC Safeline, 716-558-SAFE (7233).
Food Assistance for Seniors ~ The County of Erie advises anyone over the age of 60 who is in need of food assistance to call 716-858-8526.