August 18 – August 25, 2019
Weekly Activities
Sunday, August 18 following 10:00 a.m. Mass – Anointing of the sick and well-aging in church
Wednesday, August 21 from 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m. ~ Catholic Central Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall (Food Pantry operates every Wednesday from Noon-4pm)
Thursday, August 22 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.*
Saturday, August 24 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.*
*To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday , August 18 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Requested by Estate of Mary Reilly)
Monday, August 19 ~ St. John Eudes ~ No Service
Tuesday, August 20 ~ St. Bernard ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – For the intentions of our parishioners, both living and deceased (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Wednesday, August 21 ~St. Pius X ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Thursday, August 22 ~ The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Friday, August 23 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – St. Rose of Lima ~ Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Saturday, August 24 ~ St. Bartholomew, Apostle ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Charles Ferella and the deceased members of the Ferella and Then Families (The Family)
Sunday, August 25 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Sylvia Heicklen (Son, Robert)
Ministry Schedule for Saturday and Sunday, August 24/25, 2019:
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Reader: Michael Ogoh; Eucharistic Minister: John Curtin
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Readers: Pam Zanghi, Grace Iheke; Eucharistic Ministers: Fran Cahill, Toni Maus, Sr. Liz Savage
News from our Parish Community
Anointing of the Sick and Well-Aging following Sunday Mass on August 18, 2019.
Message from Bishop Malone ~ On Thursday, the parish received a lengthy email message from Bishop Malone, including the following promise: “Throughout the difficult months ahead, I also want to assure you that the good and holy work of the Church will continue through our parishes, schools and other ministries and institutions. At this time, it is uncertain how long it will take to respond to all the claims of the CVA [Child Victims Act]. Our primary concern is to do the right thing for the victim-survivors of abuse and, at the same time, ensure that the mission of our Church continues.” You may hear the entire message on YouTube.
Friends and Family ~ Our Blessed Trinity Parish is filled with many people from different backgrounds – we are a true “melting pot” of diversity: yet, when we worship together, we become One Family in Christ.
We were privileged to welcome Dr. Kathleen Keenan-Takagi to the music bench this weekend. She is a life-long musician and choral director, having founded the Freudig Singers of Western New York, conducted the Orchard Park Chorale and the Cheektowaga Chorus, and created a series of concerts called Masterworks a la Carte, in which she puts together volunteer choruses with professional soloists and instrumentalists to perform large works from the world’s finest composers. She tirelessly taught vocal music at Orchard Park High School for many years, where she gave Elizabeth Clay great exposure to choral music and fostered her growth and persistence as a musician.
Dr. Takagi is a friend, for sure – but she is also family as she has nurtured musicianship in so many people in our community. It seems very appropriate that she helps our Church Family worship this summer. Please introduce yourself to the newest member of our parish family!
Choir practice resumes in September. All are invited to participate. … Elizabeth
Our first every “White Elephant Sale” will take place on Saturday, September 28 from 10am – 4pm. The event is a fundraiser for our parish, and will take place on the lower level of St. Charles Hall. Help will be needed during drop-off days — Sunday, Sept. 22, 11:15am-1pm; Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12 Noon-3pm; and Friday, Sept. 27, 12Noon-3pm — and on the day of the sale. Please indicate your willingness to help on the pink sign-up sheets found on the tables near the church entrances. The following items will be acceptable for sale: books, lamps, toys, luggage, knick-knacks, bathroom accessories, clothing and material, pictures and art work, towels, linens, tablecloths, drapes, small tools (not power), pots, pans dishes, and kitchen items. No electronics please! All donated items are to be clean and ready for sale without price tags. Pricing will be done by volunteers prior to the sale. All proceeds will go to Blessed Trinity Parish, and items that do not sell will be donated to St. Vincent dePaul.
Parish Council Nominations ~ If you missed last Sunday’s “Meet & Greet” with Council members or would just like more information about serving on the Council, please contact Vice President Kathy Press at 716-445-8160. You may also nominate another parishioner, but please check with that person first to make sure they are willing. Elections will take place on the weekend of Sept. 7/8.
National Night Out ~ A Note of thanks and appreciation for a great committee from each parish, for all who helped set-up, take-down, donated food, cleaned-up, attended, danced, and celebrated the event, hosted by Blessed Trinity on Tuesday evening, August 6. A good time was had by all! Thank you from Sr. Maureen Harris.
Father Victor will be away until August 29. We wish him safe travels and a restful vacation.
Father George Reger is now undergoing rehabilitation at the McAuley Residence, 1503 Military Road, Kenmore, NY 14217. We are sure he would appreciate your prayers, cards and notes of encouragement as he works to regain his strength.
Travel AND stay connected ~ Even when you are away on vacation, you can keep in touch with your parish family by visiting It is optimized for use with mobile devices, so whether you check in with a cellphone, tablet or desktop computer, there is all kinds of information at your finger tips. Just click on the post with the current week’s date; e.g., “Week of August 18, 2019 ~ 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time,” to find scheduled activities, coming events, and Mass intentions, not to mention examples of church symbolism and artwork relating to the week’s readings or feast days.
Blessed Trinity Needs Your Help! We’re not asking for money, but for something maybe even more valuable: a little bit of your TIME. Just a bit. ONE or TWO nights a month that will really help your parish. Our most recent financial report shows the importance of BINGO. Clearly, this fundraiser is essential for our parish’s financial health. Just as clearly, it needs broad parish support in the way of MORE workers. We have Bingo every Thursday and Saturday night. Can you PLEASE commit to one or two nights a month? You can start simply by helping to sell things and — as you learn the routine — cross-train for other essential tasks. Our friendly team of workers stands ready to help you. Please contact Kathy Press at 716-445-8160 for more information. Your Parish Bingo Team thanks you!
Our Kids Parent Education and Awareness Program (OKPEAP) is a Catholic Charities program available to families who are experiencing conflict related to custody issues. Visit
Do you know that Mass is the highest and greatest form of prayer? The Catechism of the Catholic Church reveals that “from the very earliest days of the Christian religion, [the Church] has honored with great respect the memory of the dead.” In its reference to the Second Vatican Council’s conclusion that “it is a wholly and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins,” the Catechism adds: “Our prayer for them is capable of not only helping them, but also of making their intercession for us effective.” Consider contacting the church office (716-833-0301) to request a Mass for yourself, your deceased loved ones, or for any intention. The stipend is $15.
Presentation of Offertory Gifts ~ For those who have requested a Mass and would like to present the Offertory gifts, please see Head Usher, Ed Marien, prior to Mass. This also applies to those whose family members are being remembered during the Liturgy.
Is it time to update your contact information? We know that not everyone can attend church every weekend, so when there is important information to be shared, we often mail it. If you have not received some of our recent mailings, please make sure that we have your correct contact information by completing this form. This is also a chance to let us know if you: wish to be included in our online email list, register as a parishioner, or request envelopes. You can also submit the requested information by phoning our secretary at 716-833-0301 any Tuesday-Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm; sending an email to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com; or Clicking HERE to use the contact feature of our web site to submit the information. If you choose either of the last two, please use “Contact Update” as the subject of the email or message.
Home Visits ~ Please notify the church office if you know of aged, sick, or homebound parishioners who may wish to receive a visit and the Eucharist on the last Friday of each month.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
“Dancing Under the Stars,” Sunday, August 18 from 6-9 pm at St. Joseph University Parish (3269 Main Street, Buffalo). Big band and dance music featuring the fabulous Jim Tudini Band and Bobby Militello. Free dance lessons at 6:30 pm, Anderson’s food truck, raffle and theme baskets. Donation at the door.
All CCCB parishes are invited to St. Martin de Porres’ annual Church Picnic on Sunday, August 18 with a noon Mass celebrated with Fr. Ron Sajdak at the “James Depczynski Casino,” Como Lake Park, Lancaster, NY.
Help For Your Marriage ~ Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times. For more information call 716-474-9371 or visit The next weekend is September 27-29. All calls are confidential and pre-registration is required.