This Thanksgiving, we give prayerful thanks for Canisius High School Associate Campus Minister Joe Van Volkenburg and students Patrick Crowe and Jack Manka, who chose Blessed Trinity as their Community Day volunteer project. On Saturday, November 17, the young men and their family members (Cortney, Pat, Thomas and Lauren Crowe and Jennifer, Mike, Madeline and Alex Manka) washed our pews, scrubbed our floors, and carried in hundreds of books donated for next month’s Christmas Prison Package Project. We are grateful to Mr. Van Volkenburg for his continued support of our parish and delighted to have benefitted from the youthful energy and enthusiasm of the Canisius team. At the same time, we acknowledge the dedication of parishioners Judy Casassa, Bud and Mickey Dick, Dan Korchowsky, Dorothy Manuppelli, Kathy Press, Sr. Liz Savage and Colleen Schroeder who worked along with them and provided direction.