Fall Wine Tasting
Friday, November 3, 2017
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Blessed Trinity’s celebrated Wine Tasting returns on Friday, November 3. Our friend, Bill Warren from Aurora Liquor, will be offering a variety of wines and expertise on how to select what is pleasing to your palate. There will be delicious hors d’oeuvres, beer, desserts and non-alcoholic beverages for you to sample. The event also includes a silent auction and basket raffle. Advance sale tickets are now available by calling Mickey and Bud Dick (716-832-2540) for a donation of $25/person. ($30 at the door). Secured, off-street parking. Proceeds benefit our Under This Roof Fund, a sustaining fund created in 2002 for the preservation and restoration of our architectural landmark and house of worship.