St. Clare of Assisi [1193-1253], whose feast is celebrated on August 11, “carried the Host in a monstrance to an upper window to ask the deliverance of her convent from marauding Saracen mercenaries of Frederick II….” She is one of six saints associated with the Eucharist who is depicted (center right) in silver relief on the doors of our Tabernacle. (Rev. Walter Kern’s Guidebook to Blessed Trinity R.C. Church, page 30).
Photo credit: Margaret Dick
August 6 – August 13, 2017
Weekly Activities
Thursday, August 10 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Saturday, August 12 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ NEW HOURS – SAT. ONLY – Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, August 12 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
*In response to requests from our players, we have instituted age restrictions for admission to Bingo. As of October 15, 2015, we no longer admit children under 8 years of age. To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.

St. Dominic (1170-1221), whose feast day is celebrated on August 8, is depicted in this grouping of monks, hermits and religious in the dome of our church. He is the standing figure, second from the left, shown holding a book. May we follow his advice to
“practice charity in common, remain humble, and stay poor willingly.”
The dome painting is by Buffalo-born artist Joseph Mazur; the photo by Gary Kelley.
Our Summer Mass Schedule is now in effect.
Please note that there is NO Mass on Mondays, and the Tuesday Mass time has changed to 11am. Masses on Wednesday through Friday will continue at 11am.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, August 6 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. ~ J. Marion and Harriet Geiger (Requested by Bob and Mary Kresse) and Kevin Brown (Requested by Judy Casassa)
Monday, August 7 ~ St. Sixtus II and Companions; St. Cajetan ~ No Service
Tuesday, August 8 ~ St. Dominic ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Wednesday, August 9 ~ St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Thursday, August 10 ~ St. Lawrence ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Catherine M. Maher (Estate)
Friday, August 11 ~ St. Clare ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Saturday, August 12 ~ St. Frances de Chantal ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Catherine M. Maher (Estate)
Sunday, August 13 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. ~ James F. Eagan (Judy Casassa) and Henry Heubusch (Kathleen, Karen and Bruce Marien)
Ministry Schedule for Saturday and Sunday, August 12 and 13:
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Reader: Gary Kelley; Eucharistic Minister: Jack Curtin
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Readers: Sr. Elizabeth Savage, Palma Zanghi; Eucharistic Ministers: Dan Korchowsky, Judy Casassa, Bernice Bradley
News from our Parish Community
August Mission Appeal ~ There will be a second collection on Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6, for the Guadalupe-Bolivian Mission in South America. Rev. Ivan R. Trujillo will be speaking to us at both masses about the Mission. Please be prepared to give generously to support this annual mission appeal.
Feast of Assumption ~ The Church celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Tuesday, August 15. This solemnity commemorates the bodily taking up of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven at the end of her earthly life. Our parish observance of this Holy Day of Obligation will include outdoor evening services near the Blessed Mother statue and shrine, beginning at 6:00pm with an Offering of Prayers and Petitions, followed by the presentation of individual flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass will begin at 7:00pm. Please take this opportunity to thank God for the many blessings we have received and pray for continuous blessings and protections. Please bring a flower to present and a folding chair to sit on. We pray for favorable weather.
Stewardship is returning a portion of our gifts to God. The gifts we return are our time, our talent and our treasure. We return these gifts not because God or our Church needs them but because we feel an overwhelming need to show our love and gratitude to God.
Parish Council Candidates ~ We continue actively seeking candidates for the 2017-18 parish council. Any registered parishioner 18-years or older is eligible. Please give serious consideration to this important form of stewardship. You may nominate yourself or another registered parishioner (with that person’s permission), and there are several ways in which to make your interest known: click HERE and leave your contact information for the committee; contact any of the committee members listed below; or call the church office (716-833-0301) and request that someone contact you. Nomination forms can be found on the tables near the church doors (orange paper) through August 13. The committee members are: Father Victor, Committee Chair Mickey Dick, Darvan Draper, Dan Korchowsky, and Palma Zanghi.
Helping Hands Food Pantry ~ The Helping Hands Food Pantry not operates on Saturdays only from 10am to 2pm. Its director, Luis Clay, is also seeking additional volunteers. Please contact the church office at 716-833-0301 if you or someone you know might be interested in this opportunity.
Vocation View ~ The Transfiguration of the Lord: On the Feast of the Transfiguration we remember how on Mount Tabor Jesus revealed a glimpse of his glory, not to show off, but to express his desire to share his glory with us. Thanks to Christ, it is this glory that we are destined for. The same Christ calls some to priesthood and religious life to show his followers how to live for this glory. If God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Andrew Lauricella at 716-847-5535. You can also check out the “Priest of the Month” stories on our website www.buffalovocations.org.
Ordination Anniversary ~ Please remember Father Victor Ibhawa as he thanks God for his seventh year as a priest later this month on August 28.
Party for Sister Maureen Harris ~ Save the date … September 17 (12:30-2:30pm) at Ss. Columba-Brigid’s parish hall. Everyone from the CCCB parishes is invited to attend a Bon Voyage Tea Party for Sr. Maureen Harris on that day. If you haven’t already heard, Sr. Maureen has volunteered to travel to our Sister Communities in Tanzania, Africa. She leaves for six months at the end of September—first to Rome—and then on to the mission territory, where she will travel and walk with our Sisters and the people in their missions. Sr. Maureen spent three months there in 2008 teaching English as a second language. This time she will follow up with the Sisters, assist with their record keeping, and offer an encouraging presence as the Sisters cultivate leadership within their own communities. We would like Sister Maureen to have many happy memories to sustain her during her six months abroad, and you can be one of them by attending on September 17.
Honoring Father Roy Herberger ~ A very special part of the central city vicariate, Rev. Roy Herberger, is retiring at the end of this month after 49-years of active ministry. However, our friends at Ss. Columba-Brigid wanted to do something equally special to honor him on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary, so they have planned a dinner for May 25, 2018, and they want all of us to be a part of their tribute. Please save the date. Having served in ten parishes and three correctional facilities, Father Roy looks forward to the celebration next Spring as a chance to reminisce and share stories with those he has been blessed to know. His final Masses and celebration with his parishioners at Ss. Columba-Brigid are Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27, 2017. Anyone who wishes to send Fr. Roy Herberger a note, please address them to him at 75 Hickory Street, Buffalo, NY 14204.
Wedding Anniversary Mass ~ Any couple celebrating a 50th, 60th or 70th Wedding Anniversary during 2017 is invited to participate in a special Mass to be celebrated on Sunday, October 15, 2017 by Bishop Richard J. Malone, at 3pm at St. Joseph Cathedral located in downtown Buffalo. Following the Mass, an informal reception will be held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel. Family members are also encouraged to attend. A special certificate will be signed by Bishop Malone to honor the occasion, even for those who are unable to come out to attend the ceremony. For further information, please contact Catherine Kwiatkowski at 716-847-2210 or email ckwiatkowski [at] buffalodiocese [dot] org. Seating is limited. You may also place your name on the list by calling the our parish secretary, Pat Pendleton, at the church office as soon as possible..
Openings for Mass Intentions ~ Thank you to all who have recently placed Mass intentions. Please contact the church office (716-833-0301) with your requests. Office hours are: 10:30am-2:30pm, Tuesday through Thursday. The Mass Stipend is $15.
Important Deadlines to Remember ~ Our bulletin is printed on Thursdays, so please remember to submit your announcements to our secretary, Pat Pendleton, no later than Noon on the Wednesday prior to the weekend you wish it to appear. Announcements to be read at weekend Masses are due on Thursday. You may contact Pat at blessedtrinitychurch@gmail or 716-833-0301 any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm.
Parish Record Keeping ~ If you need to update your contact information or would like to register as a parishioner, please call the church office (716-833-0301) on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during office hours: 10:30am-2:30pm, email your contact information to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com, or use the CONTACT feature of this web site.

One of four angels on the church facade symbolizing the Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy [Sanctitas], Catholic, and Apostolic.
Catholic Charities’ Chemical Dependency Treatment Program has immediate openings. The New York State licensed outpatient program aims to treat addiction with a combination of therapy and medicine. Visit ccwny.org/services/outpatient-clinic for more information and call central Intake at 716-895-1033 to begin referral process.
Foster Parent Program ~ Catholic Charities Foster Care program in Erie County allows children to receive nurturing care from loving families. Attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 10-11:30am or 4-5:30pm. To register, call 716-856-4494 or contact elizabeth [dot] murphy [at] ccwny [dot] org.
Blessing of the Loaves and Fields is Saturday, August 12, from 10am to 2pm at St. Casimir Social Hall (1833 Clinton St., Buffalo). Got a garden? Use herbs? Come and give thanks to God, the Creator, through the First Lady of Heaven, Mother Mary. Local specialists Barb Frackiewicz, Diane Woloszyn, and author Sophie Knab will guide you in making a traditional “first lady” loaf, tasting/smelling healing herbs, creating field flowers, and contemplating grains. There is limited seating available so please make a reservation by calling 716-824-9589.
Annual St. Lawrence Feast Day Celebration is Sunday, August 13 at St. Lawrence Parish (1520 East Delavan Ave., Buffalo). The celebration begins with a 12 noon Mass and continues with food and fun. Chiavetta’s chicken dinners, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, and beverages will be available for purchase. This event is one of two major annual fund-raising events. Tickets for a cash raffle are available upon request from the church ($2 each or 3 for $5). All proceeds go to pay for the new church roof. For more information, call the rectory at 716-892-2471.
The NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo congratulates our newest graduates, the Class of 2017. We look forward to continuing our journey with them as they move on to high school next month. We are proud of their acceptances to such great schools as Buffalo Seminary, Mount Mercy Academy, St. Mary’s High School, Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart, Health Sciences Charter School, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, Canisius High School, Bishop Timon – St. Jude High School, Western New York Maritime Charter School, and Tapestry High School. Thank you to everyone who provided our students with their help and support!
“Welcoming the Stranger” Prayer Services will take place in September. Hosted by the WNY Leadership Conference of Religious Women, come learn about refugee advocacy opportunities. Prayer services will be held on September 15 at 7pm (St. Mary Center, 241 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo); September 17 at 2pm (St. Mary of the Angels, 201 Reist St., Williamsville and at St. Elizabeth Motherhouse, 115 E. Main St., Allegany); September 24 at 2pm (Immaculate Conception Convent, 5229 South Park Ave., Hamburg and at the Sacred Heart Center, 22 Meadowbrook Pkwy., Cheektowaga); and September 24 at 4:30pm (Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent, 600 Doat St., Buffalo). Personal hygiene items may be donated at any of these services to refugees in Jericho Road’s Vive program.