November 5 – November 12, 2017
Weekly Activities
Sunday, November 5 following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Ladies Sodality Service of Remembrance in St. Charles Hall
Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00 p.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in St. Charles Hall
Thursday, November 9 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Saturday, November 11 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ NEW HOURS – SAT. ONLY – Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, November 12 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
*In response to requests from our players, we have instituted age restrictions for admission to Bingo. As of October 15, 2015, we no longer admit children under 8 years of age. To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, November 5 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. ~ Laurence D. Miano (Requested by Bob and Mary Kresse)
Monday, November 6 ~ No Service
Tuesday, November 7 ~ ELECTION DAY ~ Communion Service at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, November 8 ~ Communion Service at 11:00 a.m.
Thursday, November 9 ~ Dedication of Lateran Basilica in Rome ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Catherine M. Maher (Estate)
Friday, November 10 ~ St. Leo the Great ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Vincent, Frances and Agnes Manion (Estate)
Saturday, November 11 ~ VETERANS DAY ~ St. Martin of Tours ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Vincent, Frances and Agnes Manion (Estate)
Sunday, November 12 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. ~ Ed and Claudia Post (Bob and Mary Kresse)
Ministry Schedule for Saturday and Sunday, November 11 and 12:
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Reader: Gary Kelley; Eucharistic Minister: Lucille Venezia
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Readers: Chris Porter, Miles James; Eucharistic Ministers: Dan Korchowsky, Sharon Dunnigan, Maggie Gatson, Pat Hartinger; Kathleen Marien (Choir)
News from our Parish Community
All the teachings of stewardship come directly from the Gospels, the Old Testament and theletters of the New Testament. Stewardship is not a new fad or environmental word. Stewardship is the way God expected His people to live since the beginning of time.
The Ladies Sodality’s annual service of remembrance is Sunday, November 5. Women of the parish are invited to join us after Mass in St. Charles Hall as we honor our members who passed in 2017, Virginia Tapley and Agnes Manion.
Special Collections ~ The second collection on November 4/5 benefits the Catholic University.
Gifts for our Shut-ins – Starting on the weekend of November 11/12 and continuing through December 3, the Ladies Sodality will be collecting items for their annual Christmas gift bags to be delivered to our homebound parishioners and those in senior care facilities (7 women and 1 man at last count). The early completion date for the drive is necessary so that presents and plants are ready for delivery on the weekend of Dec. 10/11. If you would like to contribute, please bring your new, unwrapped items to church and leave them in the designated basket near the statue of St. Joseph. If you prefer to donate money, please do so before Thanksgiving so that our volunteers have time to shop. To share information about someone you think should be included, please contact Vera Andrew (704-2944) or Mickey Dick (832-2540).
Welcome to Barbara Strusienski, who has joined our part-time administrative team as a bookkeeper, while continuing to provide the same services for the CCCB parishes of St. Martin de Porres and St. Lawrence. We are grateful for her expertise and hope that this will be long and successful relationship for both Barb and our parish.
Friday’s Wine Tasting ~ Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone — especially Bill Warren –who worked so hard to make Friday’s wine tasting such an enjoyable event. The committee is still recuperating, but they’re promising more acknowledgements and information in the days to come. In addition to bill Warren and Aurora Liquor, the following businesses supported our fund raising efforts with donations of food or items for our basket raffle and silent auction: Bengert Greenhouses, Black & Blue Steak and Crab, Cugino’s Restaurant, Curtiss Hotel, Darwin Martin House, Dash’s Markets, Elbers Landscape Service, Inc., Just Pizza, Lone Star Fajita Grill, Mason’s Grille 52, Paula’s Donuts, Raymondo’s Pizzeria, Russell’s Steaks Chops and More, Salvatore’s Hospitality, Share Kitchen & Bar Room, Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, Trader Joe’s, Watson’s Chocolate (Depew), Wegman’s Markets, and WOOT [wine] Cellars. Please remember to return that support by patronizing them.
Notes from the Loft ~ We are deeply appreciative of William Fay and the Choir from St. John XXIII in West Seneca for enhancing last week’s liturgy. How wonderful to have so many voices praising our Lord simultaneously from the loft! Please continue to submit your ideas for how we can make our liturgical experience more meaningful with song to Elizabeth or any member of the Blessed Trinity Choir. The Mass setting we are using this month is the Santa Clara Mass. It is not in the Breaking Bread Hymnal, but it should be in your heart, because you have heard it before. We will continue to use the Glory to God from the Mass of Creation, which is #873. Advent is coming! Please consider joining the choir as an “extra” for Christmas. Praise in Song continues on Tuesday evenings at 7pm in St. Charles Hall.
More on Our 2017 Prison Project ~ The envelope in this November 4/5 bulletin is for those who would like to contribute for the purchase of hot chocolate packets in bulk. You can put it in the collection or drop it off sometime next week. Every dollar gets us closer to 4,000 packets! Amy Johnson will have bags to be decorated soon. Let her know if you can get some youngsters (or adults) to make them beautiful. AND…. Mark your calendar to assemble the packages on Friday, December 8 (morning and evening)! Since December 8 is a Holy Day of Obligation, we have scheduled a Mass for 5pm instead of the usual 6pm. If you are coming in the evening to help with assembly, please consider joining us in worship at 5pm.
While Father Victor is away (through December 17), Rev. Peter Drilling, former rector of St. Joseph’s Cathedral, and Rev. Martin Eneh will celebrate Masses and Sacraments each Thursday through Sunday at the times indicated below. Please remember that there is a temporary change in daily services during this time. There will be no service on Mondays. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Jack Curtin will offer a Communion Service at 11:00 am. There will be Mass at 11:00 a.m. each Thursday and Friday. There is NO CHANGE in the weekend Mass times.
We pray for all who are ill and have requested our prayers, especially parishioners Barbara Draper, Richard Plunkett, and Anthony and Mary Hartmann. Please inform the parish of those who are sick by calling the rectory office so that they can be added to our prayer list and schedule for home visits, as needed.
Helping Hands Food Pantry ~ The Helping Hands Food Pantry not operates on Saturdays only from 10am to 2pm. Its director, Luis Clay, is also seeking additional volunteers. Please contact the church office at 716-833-0301 if you or someone you know might be interested in this opportunity.
We are in need of additional lectors and Eucharistic ministers. We will be including young readers in this helping ministry. Those who are interested, please contact the office at 716-833-0301.
Openings for Mass Intentions ~ Thank you to all who have recently placed Mass intentions. Please contact the church office (716-833-0301) with your requests. Office hours are: 10:30am-2:30pm, Tuesday through Thursday. The Mass Stipend is $15.
Important Deadlines to Remember ~ As we think ahead to 2018, please remember to contact our secretary, Pat Pendleton, with dates (even tentative ones) that should appear on the parish calendar. Our bulletin is printed on Thursdays, so please remember to submit your announcements to no later than Noon on the Wednesday prior to the weekend you wish it to appear. Announcements to be read at weekend Masses are due on Thursday. You may contact Pat at blessedtrinitychurch@gmail or 716-833-0301 any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10:30am and 2:30pm.
Parish Record Keeping ~ Several parishioners have inquired about the possibility of group email notification of time-sensitive information; e.g., a mid-week funeral service. If you would be interested in receiving such messages, please make sure that the church office has your email address. If you need to update your contact information or would like to register as a parishioner, please call the church office (716-833-0301) on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during office hours: 10:30am-2:30pm, email your contact information to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com, or use the CONTACT feature of this web site.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
November 15 Women’s Health Program ~ Catholic Health presents a free dinner program, “Genetic Testing and Women’s Cancers: Are You at Risk?”on Wednesday, November 15, from 5:30-7:30pm at the Millennium Hotel, 2040 Walden Avenue, Buffalo. Registration begins at 5pm; reservations are required by calling 716-447-6205. Women’s health experts Stacey Akers, MD, and Karen Gutierrez, NP, provide an in-depth look at the various gynecologic cancers and discuss the link between endometriosis, ovarian and breast cancer. They’ll present the latest information on prevention, detection, and treatment options, and whether genetic testing is right for you.
Grief and the Holidays programs are scheduled for Tuesday, November 14 (6-7pm) and Thursday, December 14 (2-3pm) at the Hospice Buffalo Education Center (225 Como Park Boulevard in Cheektowaga). Registration required. Email mgiesler [at] palliativecare [dot] org or call 716-836-6460.
Concert for The Angels…An Evening of RemembranceCall 716-836-6460with Cory James Gallagher, is Sunday, November 12, 5pm at SS. Columba-Brigid Church in Buffalo (75 Hickory) and Saturday, November 18, 7pm at St. Mary of the Lake in Hamburg (4737 Lakeshore). Donations will help cover the cost of medical treatment for his father, Daniel Gallagher.
Advent is quickly approaching! Are you looking for ways to enhance your family’s Advent journey? The Office of Family Life Ministries is offering newly revised free packets of prayers, activities, and ideas to help engage your family in fun, spiritual ways. We now have a packet for children ages 3-8 and one for children ages 9-14, to try to reach families at all levels. To order, please contact the office of Family Life Ministries at 847-2210 or email familylife [at] buffalodiocese [dot] org.
Western New York Caregiver Partnership offers support to caregivers and seeks volunteers. Visit or call 800-342-9871 to learn more.