February 28 – March 6, 2016
Weekly Activities
Sunday, February 28 at 9:00 a.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in the Loft
Monday, February 29 at 7:30 p.m. ~ CCCB Lenten Journey Mass Social in St. Charles Hall
Tuesday, March 1 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. ~ Choir rehearsal CANCELLED.
Wednesday, March 2 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. ~ Prayer, meditation and discussion with Evelyn Brady in St. Charles Hall
Thursday, March 3 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Saturday, March 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon ~ Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, March 5 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Sunday, March 6 at 9:00 a.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in the Loft
Sunday, March 6 following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Ladies Sodality Program in St. Charles Hall
Monday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m. ~ CCCB Lenten Journey Mass at Nativity/Miguel – St. Monica Campus at St. Lawrence
*In response to requests from our players, we have instituted age restrictions for admission to Bingo. As of Thursday, October 15, we no longer admit children under 8 years of age.
We now have a Bingo camera with TV monitors and electronic verification!
To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts
and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, February 28 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – John Allen ( Requested by Angela Jost) and Robert and Beverly Brodfuehrer (Requested by Thomas Brodfuehrer)
Monday, February 29 ~ Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 a.m. – Jeanne R. Heubusch
Monday, February 29 ~ CCCB Journey Mass at 6:30 p.m. in church
Tuesday, March 1 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of Blessed Trinity Church (Blessed Trinity Church)
Wednesday, March 2 ~ Deceased Members of Blessed Trinity Parish (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Thursday, March 3 ~ St. Katharine Drexel ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Catherine M. Maher (Estate)
Friday, March 4 ~ St. Casimir ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Anna Snyder (Estate)
Saturday, March 5 ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Bob Kinmartin (Angela Jost)
Sunday, March 6 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Ithrene Cameron (Ed Marien) and Jim Hartzell (Madonna Hartzell)
Readings for the Week of February 28
Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103: 1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4; Lk 4:24-30
Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-9; Mt 18:21-35
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23
Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6-11, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34
Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21; Lk 18:9-14
Sunday, March 6: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps. 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32
News from our Parish Community
Blessed Trinity will host the Lenten Journey Mass on Monday evening, February 29. Please join in welcoming parishioners from the Catholic Churches of Central Buffalo for the special 6:30 PM Mass. It is also our turn to provide finger foods and desserts for the social following the Mass. If you can help in this regard, please drop your food item off at St. Charles Hall by 6 PM.
Our 2016 Lenten Program continues this Wednesday, March 2, at 7 PM. We will again meet in St. Charles Hall for an evening of prayer, meditation and a discussion based on A Spirituality of Being Human by Dr. Hugh Brady. Our conversation will focus on Chapters 10, 11 and 16. Even if you have not read the book, you will still benefit from this opportunity for spiritual transformation. Dessert and coffee will be served. Next Wed., March 9, we will conclude our Lenten Program with a simple supper in St. Charles Hall from 5:30-6:30 PM, followed by The Way of the Cross in church at 7 PM. We are grateful to everyone who has helped thus far. If you can lend a hand with clean-up on March 2 or March 9, please add your name to the sign-up boards on the table near the rectory-side door. Click HERE for additional information about the 4-week program and CCCB Lenten Journey Masses.
The Ladies Sodality will present its second “Celebrating Women Witnesses” program on Sunday, March 6, following the 10 AM Mass. Dr. Althea Porter will facilitate the discussion, this time focusing on Prisca, a first century missionary who St. Paul recognized as a co-worker in Christ Jesus “who risked death to save my life.” All women of the parish are invited to attend, and friends are invited. A handout about Prisca will be available at church on the weekend of February 27/28. Please take one home and familiarize yourself with her story, and then join the conversation on March 6.
Keeping in Touch ~ Last month, members of the Parish Council attempted to call all parishioners to inform them of the death of Deacon Jimmie. They used the phone numbers contained in our parish records. In the process, they discovered a high percentage of non-working numbers. Surprisingly, many of them were people who attend church regularly. Please think about the last time you updated your contact information with the parish. Did you abandon your land line in favor of a cell phone? Switch to an unlisted number? Please use the form on the back of our bulletin to help us bring our information up to date, or send your new information to blessedtrinitychurch [at] gmail [dot] com. Thank you.
Lenten Reflections Dedicated to Deacon Jimmie ~ The African American Commission of the Office of Cultural Diversity, Diocese of Buffalo, has dedicated its second annual weekly Lenten reflections booklet to the memory of Deacon Jimmie L. Boyd. Entitled Merciful Like My Father: A Lenten Scripture Study of the Past, Present, and Future, the booklet features reflections together with testimonies of African American Catholics. One testimony featured is from parishioner Jessie Wells. A few booklets are still available in the sacristy.
Lenten Handouts ~ There are extra copies of three special publications that the parish has provided in the hope of enriching your Lenten experience. We encourage you to take copies from the usher’s bench for family members and friends.
Catholic Charities Appeal ~ Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and commemorates the start of a period of preparation for Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday. As you start your own Lenten Journey this week, remember the selfless sacrifice of Jesus. What can you sacrifice that will allow you to donate just $3.12? That’s the cost of feeding a family of four one meal through one of Catholic Charities’ eight food pantries. Remember the love you have for your neighbors in need, and give as generously as you can to the Catholic Charities 2016 Appeal, benefitting tens of thousands in Western New York. Find Good Within. Open hearts to follow Jesus’ lead. Find out more at www.ccwny.org or call 716-218-1400.
Lenten Handouts ~ There are extra copies of three special publications that the parish has provided in the hope of enriching your Lenten experience. We encourage you to take copies from the usher’s pew for family members and friends. There are also a few copies of Blessed Trinity 2016 Calendars remaining. They are also found in the usher’s Pew. Share one with a friend.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Blessed Sacrament Church’s Fish Fry Dinner will be held on Friday, March 4, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Catholic Academy of West Buffalo Gymnasium, 1069 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo. Adult Dinners $12; Child (10 & Under) Dinners $6. Takeout will be available. All Dinners include: potato salad, coleslaw, rye bread, beverage, and dessert. Tickets can be purchased after all Masses, visiting the rectory during normal business hours, calling (716) 884-0053, or emailing bettyh [at] blsacbflo [dot] org. Pre-order of tickets requested. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.
Respite Weekend for Women with Cancer ~ March 4–6, 2016 at Stella Niagara. Application deadline is Thursday, February 18. If you know someone, applications are available by calling Sr. Maureen at 897-9948, x114.
Walking the Way of the Cross: Biblical Reflections on the Land ~ Presenter: Sister Laurie Brink, OP on Saturday, March 12 from 8:30 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. at the Millennium Hotel, 2040 Walden Ave, Cheektowaga, NY 14225. The Catholic Biblical Studies Program proudly announces the 24th Annual Lenten Day of Reflection. This will be a virtual Holy Land Retreat, drawing on familiar images and places mentioned in the Gospels. As you enter into the final days of Jesus’ life, you will imagine the journey of Jesus and the disciples as they ‘set their faces toward Jerusalem,’ journeying from Capernaum through Jericho to the Holy City and finally to the cross… and beyond to the empty tomb. Sister Laurie is a Dominican Sister, associate professor at the Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, and associate editor of The Bible Today. Her study and research has taken her into the ancient social, religious and cultural world out of which Christianity emerged. Please contact the Catholic Biblical Studies Program (716) 871-9180, info [at] cbstudies [dot] org, or www.cbstudies.org, for registration information.