May 25 – June 1, 2014
Weekly Activities
Monday, May 26 ~ Memorial Day Observed
Tuesday, May 27 at 7:30 p.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in St. Charles Hall.
Thursday, May 29 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Friday, May 30 ~ Memorial Day
Saturday, May 31 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon ~ Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall.
Saturday, May 31 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Sunday, June 1, following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Coffee Hour in St. Charles Hall, hosted by the Holy Name Society.
Sunday, June 1 at 3:00 ~ Trinity Series Concert: Swingin’ n the Aisles – Charles Reedy and Friends Band.
We now have a Bingo camera with TV monitors and electronic verification! To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, May 25 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Shakara Purks (Requested by The Gallisdorfers)
Monday, May 26 ~ St. Philip Neri ~ NO SERVICE
Tuesday, May 27 ~ St. Augustine of Canterbury ~ NO SERVICE
Wednesday, May 28 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Healing for Judith Riga (Mark Stambach)
Thursday, May 29 ~ The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord ~ Mass at 6 p.m. – Deceased Members of Blessed Trinity Parish
Friday, May 30 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Bernard H. Fix and Ruth R. Fix (Estate)
Saturday, May 31 ~ Vigil Mass – Joan West (John Curtin)
Sunday, June 1 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Eugene Prystawski (Wife and Family) and James Galas (Galas and Prystawski Families)
News from our Parish Community
Ascension Thursday, May 29, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Our Mass of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m.
Coffee Hour on Sunday, June 1, sponsored by the Holy Name Society.
Trinity Series Finale ~ Blessed Trinity will close out its 2013-14 concert series on Sunday, June 1 at 3:00 p.m. with the Charles Reedy and Friends Band, affiliated with the Colored Musicians Club of Buffalo. The band brings an exciting mix of jazz, blues, gospel and swing tunes to have you “Swingin’ in the Aisles.” Musicians include: Darrin Bland, Stanley Day, Robert Garrett, Dement Orman, Larry Salters and of course band leader Reedy. Vocalists Joyce Carolyn and Sandra Gilliam will add their own special touches to the “cool” sounds of this special group of performers. Everyone’s invited to join in the festivities next Sunday – come and bring a friend or neighbor!! We have some extra flyers as well, if you know a good spot to hang them for people to see. There is a suggested donation of $10 and the proceeds will be used to fund restoration efforts at both Blessed Trinity Church and the Colored Musicians Club, part of the Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor.
Attention Women of the Parish ~ The date of the Sodality’s annual June Dinner has been changed to Wednesday, June 25 at 6:30 p.m. The organization will be hosting a catered dinner here, in St. Charles Hall. Further information will follow.
Collection for the Church in Latin America ~ Thank you for your generous donation to the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your gift will ensure that present and future generations will have the opportunity to deepen and share their faith. Your support helps ensure adequate catechesis and lay leadership programs, along with strong formation for seminarians and religious. Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your faith. To learn more about how your donations are making a difference, please visit (search “National Collections”).
Bingo Volunteers Needed ~ Bingo is the largest source of parish operating funds and an important form of stewardship. Please consider a gift of time to your parish family. Fran Cahill will be happy to assist you in joining the team. You can leave your name and contact information for Fran by clicking HERE, or call the parish office (833-0301) and Fran will contact you.
Summer Opportunities for Children ~ As we receive information about camps and programs for children, we will display it on the table in the front vestibule of church.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Ss. Columba-Brigid Church is holding its annual Chiavetta’s Chicken Dinners on Sunday, June 1 from 12 noon until “sold out.” There will also be 100 theme baskets and 3 Entertainment Explosion Baskets (with gift certificates for restaurants, stores, movie theatres, etc) that people can win. They’re at 75 Hickory St. in downtown Buffalo – one block south of Clinton St. Dinners are $9 and can also be taken out.
Spring Festival ~ The Columban Sisters will hold their 58th annual Spring Festival on Sunday, June 1, from noon till 6:00 pm on the grounds of St. Columban’s on the Lake Retirement Home, 2546 Lake Road (Route 5) in Silver Creek, (716)-934-4515. Highlights of the Festival include: Chiavetta’s Chicken Barbecue, a variety of raffles including a $5,000 cash give-away, an Amish quilt and beautiful wine baskets; entertainment throughout the day including a mission presentation, Irish dancers, Polish dancers, Classic Car Cruise, pony rides, dunk tank, bounce houses and music. Proceeds benefit the Columban Sisters’ worldwide missions here at home and in our mission countries where “together we are changing lives.”
A Compassion Ministry has been developed to assist our Catholic Churches of Central Buffalo (CCCB ) faith communities with the pastoral care of persons in need and to assist the pastoral care staff with visits to the sick and home bound. The Compassion Ministry committee has created an eight-week training session to support people as they visit with someone who is ill. This includes: The Role of the Christian Minister; Developing Supportive Relationships; Reviewing Settings of Visitation – Hospital, Nursing Home, or Home; Discussing Grief and Loss Issues; Eucharistic Training for those in ministry to the sick; Hospice, Dying and Palliative Care; Dealing with Transitions/Change; and Record Keeping, On-going Support; Care Giver Support. The eight week training experience begins on Thursday, June 5, 6:30 – 8:30 pm at St. Lawrence.
Spaghetti Dinner ~ St. Lawrence Youth Ministry will hold a spaghetti dinner on Friday, June 6 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. in St. Lawrence Parish Hall located at 1520 E. Delavan Avenue. Spaghetti, sausage or meatballs, salad, roll, ice cream & a drink, all for a $5 donation in advance and $6 at the door! Extras a la carte. Tickets after all weekend Masses, weekdays at the rectory & clinic, or at Proceeds to benefit Youth and Mission activities. This year’s Mission Trip to Appalachia is co-sponsored by the CCCB and the Pontifical Mission Office. Have a good meal for a good cause.
Chicken BBQ ~ Blessed Sacrament Church will hold a chicken BBQ by BW Barbecue on Sunday, June 22, from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Catholic Academy of West Buffalo Gym, 1069 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo. All dinners include: garden salad, 2 sides, beverages, and dessert. Adult ½ chicken dinners are $10, child ¼ chicken dinners are $5.
Seeking Cooks & Registered Nurses for Camp Turner ~ Call John at 716-354-4555. Download application from
St. Vincent de Paul Society News ~ We are in need of furniture, appliances and household items for new families that are settling into our area. Our furniture truck schedules pick up in the Buffalo and suburbs on a daily basis. If you wish to donate, please call 882-3360 for a date and approximate time. Please consult our website for information as to what we will accept and what we cannot accept. Thank you for your support and God Bless you in the name of St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic.
Family Justice Center ~ If you are a victim of Domestic Violence in need of access to safety planning, spiritual care, legal assistance, limited medical assistance counseling, or law enforcement, the Family Justice Center of Erie County, Inc. — “Where Families Come First” — is for you! All services are free. All conversations are strictly private. Further information: 716-558-7233 or