October 20 – October 27, 2013
Sunday, October 2o, following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Coffee Hour in St. Charles Hall, hosted by the Parish Council.
Sunday, October 20 from 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. ~ Doors Open Niagara open house and tours of church.
Tuesday, October 22 at 7:30 p.m. ~ Choir Practice in St. Charles Hall.
Thursday, October 24 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Saturday, October 26 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Sunday, October 27, following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Ladies Sodality meeting in St. Charles Hall.
We now have: Red, White & Blue; carry over Bonus Ball; and a progressive Share-the-Wealth! To check the carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, October 20 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Gus Marien (Requested by Ed Marien) and Norine Hackney (Requested by Sharon Dunnigan)
Monday, October 21 ~ Communion Service at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, October 22 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Deceased Members of St. Gerard Parish
Wednesday, October 23 ~ St. John of Capistrano~ Mass at 11 a.m. – William Condon (Estate of Mary Condon)
Thursday, October 24 ~ St. Anthony Mary Claret ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Anthony and Teresa Hafner (Estate)
Friday, October 25 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Gladys Kibler (Estate)
Saturday, October 26 ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Catherine M. Maher (Family)
Sunday, October 27 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Phil Heubusch (Ed Marien) and Cynthia Braun (Goulding Family)
News from our Parish Community
- Doors Open Niagara ~ Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the volunteers who welcomed visitors to Blessed Trinity on October 19 and 20, as Blessed Trinity participated in the Bi-National Tourism Alliance’s Doors Open Niagara weekend. We were one of 29 historic sites in ten cities on both sides of the border who joined in showcasing their landmark buildings. We couldn’t have done it without you. And, judging from the comments received, the number of cameras and tripods in the aisles, and the length of time visitors spent at our site, you have much to be proud of. Click HERE to see more photos from Doors Open Niagara 2013.
The Ladies Sodality is now accepting nominations for the offices of president, vice president, treasurer, recording secretary and corresponding secretary. Nominations will close and elections will be held at the general membership meeting on October 27 in St. Charles Hall, immediately following Sunday Mass. If you are interested in knowing more about the responsibilities of an office, please contact President Vera Andrew, click HERE to leave her a message, or speak to any of the other members of the nominating committee: Yvonne Andrew, Mickey Dick and Helen Roddy Gray.
Special Collection ~ On the weekend of October 26/27, our parish will take up a second collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS). The guiding mission of the AMS is to provide the sacraments – and re-affirm the Word of Christ – to the men and women serving in our armed forces, patients in VA Medical Centers, civilians working for the federal government beyond U.S. borders, and the families of these populations. To provide these services, they need your help. The AMS receives no federal funding. Please use the envelope included in your bulletin.
Christ the King Seminary will hold an Open House on Saturday, October 26, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. The Knights of Columbus will be giving tours of the East Aurora campus beginning at 2:00 p.m. Following the tours, representatives of the Seminary will be available in the main dining room to answer questions about Seminary programs. Light refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to all. Visit the events section at www.ctk.edu or call 716-805-1438 for more information.
News from our Parish Council ~ The Parish Council has elected the following individuals as officers: Lorraine Riles, President; Ed Giannino, Vice President; and Sister Claire Edwards, Secretary. The Council also wishes to announce the schedule and hosting organizations of the next four coffee hours: October 20 – Parish Council; November 17 – Bingo Workers; December 15 – Holy Name Society; and January 19 – Ladies Sodality.
Assessing a Need in Our Vicariate Cluster ~ Are you a Grandparent Taking Care of Grandchildren? Do you feel the need to meet other people raising grandchildren? Would you like to receive support from other grandparents raising grandchildren? It would be a time to hear other’s concerns and share your ideas; find out about new resources (legal, social, financial). Please call Sister Maureen Harris at 892-2471, Ext. 18 or 897-9948, Ext 114. If there is sufficient interest, the support group would begin on November 22 and meet once a month, on the 3rd Tuesday, from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., at a site to be announced.
End Homelessness ~ Let Music be your inspiration. Some of the region’s best choral groups will champion this cause on Sunday, October 27, during Singing for a Promise, the widely anticipated fundraiser for Family Promise of WNY, which rescues families adrift in the despair of homelessness. The Unitarian Universalist Choir, Friends of Harmony, and Amherst Central High’s Sweet Sixteens and Varsity Singers will perform from 3 – 6 p.m. in the beautiful, acoustically friendly sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo, 695 Elmwood Avenue at West Ferry. The $15 price of admission also includes a wine, beverage and snack reception, plus the opportunity to win gifts donated by merchants in a “Buffalo’s Best” raffle and silent auction of fine wines and other valuable prizes. All proceeds go toward providing accommodations, guidance and hope to homeless families. Family Promise boasts a distinguished record of fostering family stability. Staff professionals work closely with devoted volunteers from an expansive base of churches and civic organizations throughout the community. Currently, Family Promise is expanding its footprint in the community, moving from its longtime home in South Buffalo to the new, roomier Family Resource Center in Cheektowaga at the Garden Village Plaza, 149 French Road at Union. Click HERE to learn more.
Congratulations to Catherine Ejimadu, daughter of parishioner Fidelia Ejimadu, who was one of two students from the Catholic Churches of Central Buffalo to receive a scholarship from the Albert Lenhard, St. Matthew, St. Martin de Porres Scholarship Fund. Father Ron Sajdak announced the awards of $1,200.00 each to Ms. Ejimadu and Zoe Obstarczyk. He also extended his gratitude to the members of the Catholic African American Commission who received, studied and made the award recommendations to Father Ron who, as pastor of St. Martin de Porres, awarded the scholarships. Going forward, scholarships will be awarded yearly in January at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Diocesan Celebration. New application forms will be forthcoming.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Our Lady of Hope holds its Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, November 2, at 5:00 p.m. in O’Brien Hall, corner of Lafayette and Grant Sts., Buffalo, NY. Come and join us for a wonderful evening. Our kitchen will be serving up delicious foods including: hot roast beef sandwiches, BBQ Hamburgers, fried rice with egg roll, veggie plates, chips homemade desserts and more. We will have a Large Basket Auction with interesting baskets and various gift certificates, a Big Money Ticket Raffle with a grand prize of $1000, a large ticket table including a “Lottery Tree,” a Money Board, 50/50 Split Raffle, an International Bakery Table with many enticing goodies, music, a Festival Boutique Table with gifts for under $10 and much more! Admission Tickets available at the door are $5.00 and include one free dessert and coffee and one sheet of basket raffle tickets. Call 716-885-2469 for further information.
Yoga at Gerard Place ~ What can Yoga do for me? Improve circulation throughout your whole body! Tone arms, legs, waist and hips! Alleviate stiffness in your shoulders, arms and upper and lower back! Improve your digestion! Tone internal organs! Promote stability, strength and balance! Increase flexibility! Ease menstrual disorders! Alleviate depression and fatigue! Calm the mind and relieve anxiety! Join Sara on Monday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. for 60 minutes of Hatha Yoga. This is a free beginner class and all are welcome! For info call Lana at 897-9948 x 104. Gerard Place is located at 2515 Bailey Ave near Delevan Ave. Lots of off street parking.
The Family Justice Center of Erie County, Inc. — “Where Families Come First” — serves victims of Domestic Violence who are in need of access to safety planning, spiritual care, legal assistance, law enforcement, or limited medical assistance counseling. All services are free. All conversations are strictly private. For more information call 716-558-7233 or visit http://www.fjcsafe.org/.