The Church celebrates the feast of St. Vincent de Paul (1580-1660), “champion of the poor and patron of practical charity to the needy,”
on September 27. This statue of St. Vincent is located
in the left side aisle in the church nave. Photo credit: Margaret Dick
September 22 – September 29, 2013
Monday, September 23 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. ~ FLARE’s Spaghetti Dinner Extravaganza in St. Charles Hall.
Tuesday, September 24 at 7:30 p.m. ~ Choir Practice in St. Charles Hall.
Thursday, September 26 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Saturday, September 28 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Sunday, September 29 following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Ladies Sodality Meeting in St. Charles Hall.
We now have: Red, White & Blue; carry over Bonus Ball; and a progressive Share-the-Wealth! To check the carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, September 22 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Deceased Members of Blessed Trinity Alumni (Requested by B.T.S. Alumni) and Frances Pernick (Requested by Children)
Monday, September 23 ~ St. Pius of Pietrelcina ~ Communion Service at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, September 24 ~ Virginia Saxer (Estate)
Wednesday, September 25 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Deceased Members of Blessed Trinity Parish
Thursday, September 26 ~ Sts. Cosmas and Damian ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Winifred Enright (Estate)
Friday, September 27 ~ St. Vincent de Paul ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Anna Snyder (Estate)
Saturday, September 28 ~ St. Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – John and Rita Curtin (Curtin Family)
Sunday, September 29 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Richard and Elizabeth Stabler (Ed Marien) and Mary James (B.T. Ladies Sodality)
News from our Parish Community
Spaghetti Dinner ~ On Monday, September 23, The Fillmore-Leroy Area Residents (FLARE), our neighborhood community association, will host a Spaghetti Dinner Extravaganza Fundraiser from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in St. Charles Hall. In addition to the dinner, which includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage, there will be door prizes and a silent auction. Tickets, priced at $10 for adults, $7 for seniors, $5 for children under 12, or $25 for a family of four, are available from Sister Barbara or Father Reger. Please join your neighbors for dinner and meet FLARE’s special guest, WKBW-Channel 7 News Anchor, Kendra Eaglin, on Monday, September 23. For more information, call FLARE at 838-6740.
The Ladies Sodality will resume their monthly meetings on Sunday, September 29. All women of the parish are invited to join them in St. Charles Hall following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. If you wish to know more about becoming a member, please contact membership vice president, Mickey Dick or speak with any Sodality member.

The Buffalo Brass Choir opens the 2013-14 Trinity Series at
3 p.m. on Sunday, October 6, with “Fanfares and Fugues.”
“Beautiful Music in a Beautiful Space” ~ Blessed Trinity Church’s outstanding concert series for 2013-2014 contains a full schedule of five excellent concerts – each one different, each one a gem. The series showcases the Buffalo Brass Choir, the Freudig Singers of WNY, Peter Gonciarz and Friends, the Buffalo Choral Arts Society and the Colored Musicians Club. We kick off this sterling season with a return visit from the very talented Buffalo Brass Choir on Sunday, October 6, at 3:00 PM in a program of Fanfares and Fugues. The sound is spectacular no matter where you sit, no matter where they stand! The program of fanfares and fugues is quite diverse and wholly entertaining. Bring your family and friends for a resounding afternoon! Free will offering; suggested donation $10 per person.
Parish Council ~ Congratulations to Lorraine Riles, the newly elected president of our Parish Council for the 2013-14 term. Please offer Lorraine your support and assistance in the coming year.
Come, rejoice and give thanks ~ Sister Maureen Harris invites you to the 4:00 p.m. Saturday Mass at St. Columba-Brigid on October 5 to help her celebrate her 50th Jubilee of Religious Profession. There will be a simple dinner reception after the liturgy in the parish hall. You are most welcome. Please sign-up so we can have a count of how many will stay for the reception or call Sr. Maureen at 897-9948, ext. 114, and leave your name and the number coming. No gift please, only the gift of your presence and support in prayer.
An Invitation from Bishop Malone ~ To all couples who celebrate their 50th, 60th or 70th Anniversaries of Marriage in 2013 – You are invited to a special Mass in St. Joseph Cathedral on Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. On this day the entire Diocese of Buffalo will join those celebrating in their joy and gratitude to God, who has set them among us as a sign of His constant and faithful love. During the Mass, couples will renew their marriage vows. A reception will follow at the Adam’s Mark Hotel. If you are one of these special couples and plan to participate in this Diocesan Celebration, please call Sr. Barbara Horan (833-0301) by October 1.
Blessed Trinity School Alumni ~ On Sunday, September 22, Blessed Trinity welcomed more than 60 alumni of the former parish grammar school and their family members for the Annual Alumni Memorial Mass, which was followed by a reception in St. Charles Hall. The Alumni Association extends special thanks to Tom Brodfuehrer , Marianne Pernick and Jerry Powers, graduates of the school who are also parish docents, for conducting a mini-tour of the church for alumni prior to the 10 a.m. Mass.
Doors Open Niagara ~ The next opportunity to tour our church will be Saturday, October 19 and Sunday October 20, as we participate in the bi-national tourism event, Doors Open Niagara. Save the dates, and Click HERE to read more about it.
Thank you for supporting Christ the King Seminary ~ Last weekend was the annual special collection for Christ the King Seminary. Thank you to everyone who donated for your generous support. If you missed the collection, it’s not too late to support our Seminary’s important work of educating our future priests, deacons and lay leaders who will serve in our diocese. Donations are still being accepted at http://www.cks.edu/ or by calling 716-847-8370 or 716-655-7089. Gifts may also be placed in the collection in a “Seminary Appeal” envelope or mailed to Christ the King Seminary, Attn: Parish Appeal, P.O. Box 607, East Aurora, New York 41052-0607.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
The Family Justice Center of Erie County, Inc. — “Where Families Come First” — serves victims of Domestic Violence who are in need of access to safety planning, spiritual care, legal assistance, law enforcement, or limited medical assistance counseling. All services are free. All conversations are strictly private. For more information call 716-558-7233 or visit http://www.fjcsafe.org/.
- Knowledge is Power, and now is the time to start thinking about your future. Catholic Charities Education and Workforce Department helps to provide High School Equivalency test preparation and job readiness services to Erie County adults ages 16 and older. As of January 2014, changes by New York State to the High School Equivalency exam process, will make it more difficult and harder to obtain, so it is important to be prepared and take the exam before the end of this year. At Catholic Charities, after receiving an educational/career assessment, students attend classes and a counselor works with each student on job readiness skills, leadership training and potential college placement. For more information visit our website, http://www.ccwny.org/ or call (716) 893-3500. We’re also on Facebook at facebook.com/ccbuffalo and Twitter at twitter.com/ccbuffalo.