November 25 – December 2, 2012

The theme of the [church’s stained glass skylight] is Christ the King…. The central panel shows Christ reigning as Lord of the kingdom that we pray will come. On either side of him are seven panels. Some contain full-length figures of Angels, and the rest contain symbols of both his suffering (below) and of his glorification (middle of the panel). Rev. Walter Kern’s Guidebook to Blessed Trinity R.C. Church, page 44. Photo by Terry Cervi.
Tuesday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in St. Charles Hall.
Wednesday, November 28 at 7 p.m. ~ Parish Council Meeting in St. Charles Hall.
Thursday, November 29 at 8:00 p.m ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Saturday, December 1 at 8:00 p.m ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
We now have new games: Red, White & Blue; carry over Bonus Ball; and a progressive Share-the-Wealth!
Sunday, December 2 following the 10 a.m. Mass ~ Generations of Faith Program in St. Charles Hall.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, November 25 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Phil Heubusch (Requested by Ed Marien) and Edward Hodur – Birthday Remembrance (Requested by Bonnie and Don Williams)
Monday, November 26 ~ Communion Service at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, November 27 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Catherine Maher (Estate)
Wednesday, November 28 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Loretta Saxer (Estate)
Thursday, November 29 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Simon Keough (Estate of Mary Condon)
Friday, November 30 ~ St. Andrew, Apostle ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Anna Snyder (Estate)
Saturday, December 1 ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Bernice Burgasser (Jim Stengel)
Sunday, December 2 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Bob Hamsik (Angela Jost) and Margaret Schimpf – Birthday Remembrance (Family)
News from our Parish Community
The Ladies Sodality Christmas Party will be held on Monday evening, December 10, at 6:30 in St. Charles Hall. All women of the parish are invited to participate in the evening of prayer and fellowship with members of the Sodality and their friends in anticipation of the Christmas season. The evening will include a Service of Remembrance for recently deceased members. If you are willing to donate a hors d’oeuvre or dessert, please contact President Vera Andrew no later than December 2. The cost of the party is $5 per person, and guests are welcome. In lieu of a gift exchange, we will again be collecting small gifts to be used in Christmas gift bags for our parish shut-ins and those in senior care facilities.
Gifts for our Shut-ins ~ The Ladies Sodality will be assembling Christmas presents to be delivered to our homebound parishioners and those in senior care facilities. Instead of a gift to exchange, Sodality members are asked to spend approximately $15 and bring their unwrapped purchases to the December 10th dinner. Suggested items include: lap robes and fleece throws, shawls or shrugs, socks, hand/body lotion, baby powder, lip balm, squeezable stress balls, eyeglass wipes, large print books or word games, or cash in an unsealed gift card for a hair cut or shampoo & set. Ready-to-eat food items such as jam, jelly, toaster pastries, candy or cookies; jello, fruit or pudding cups; or “add water” mixes; e.g., soup cups, single-serving oatmeal packets, tea, cocoa or coffee are also acceptable for the homebound. You don’t have to be a Sodality member to participate, but it is important that all gift items be received no later than December 9 so that the presents are ready for delivery by Sunday, DECEMBER 15. Please place your items in the specially marked basket near the statue of St. Joseph. If you would like to contribute money so that others may shop, please give your donation to Vera Andrew or Mickey Dick by Sunday, December 2.
Prisoner Gifts 2012 ~ Blessed Trinity will again host the assembly of Christmas gift bags for prison inmates. The Christmas Prison Package Project originated with Sr. Karen Klimczak, SSJ, at the Bissonette House over 20 years ago, and we are privileged to continue its message of forgiveness and non-violence. Janice Burns is coordinating the event with Peaceprints Prison Ministries. Previously, we have provided 1000 gift bags for men incarcerated at Wende Correctional Facility. This year, the ministry is being extended to women inmates at Albion and the target number is now 2000. Our parish has been asked to donate instant hot cocoa, and our goal is 4,000 individual serving envelopes. Please bring your donations to church by December 2, and place them in the labeled back pew. The white paper gift bags are now available for decoration. If your are interested, contact Jan Burns at 716-491-4223.
The actual assembly will take place on Friday, December 7. Volunteers are needed for both shifts: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. until completion. Cash donations or checks payable to “Peaceprints Prison Ministries” can be placed in an envelope marked “Prisoner Gifts” and dropped into the weekend collection.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship was established in 1987 to help an eighth grade student in attaining a Catholic high school education. This scholarship is sponsored by the African American Commission of the Office of Cultural Diversity. All applications must be submitted by December 3, 2012. Criteria information and application forms are available through Sister Barbara.
Our Trinity Concert Series continues at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 9, with A Brass and Organ Christmas featuring The Buffalo Brass Choir under the direction of Nick DelBello and guest organist Peter Gonciarz playing our newly restored Tellers-Kent Organ. Please join us and enjoy your holiday favorites. A free-will offering will be taken. Click HERE for information about future concerts in the 2012-13 series.
We give thanks … for students in the Canisius College Masters in Sports Administration program who helped to clean our church as Community Day volunteers on November 10th. Click HERE for photos of “The Clean Team.”
A Special Request for our Helping Hands Food Pantry ~ Richard Plunkett advises that The Pantry has a critical need for volunteers with a pick-up truck who might be available a few hours each week or every other week for transport of food donations or extra food orders to the Helping Hands Food Pantry. If you can lend a hand or need further information, please contact Richard at 861-5022.
On a related note, The Helping Hands Food Pantry has been experiencing chronic shortages of cereal (store brands welcome). Their supply of cereal is usually gone by the end of the first week after the monthly food delivery from the Food Bank. They also are in need of any kind of canned vegetables, juice or canned soup, as well as flour or sugar and baking supplies. Many younger people and grandparents are asking for baby supplies, such as diapers and formula. You should also know that the food pantry now has used clothing that is clean and folded according to size for men, women, boys, girls and infants. They are in greatest need of clothing for men and infants. All clothing is donated and must be cleaned upon acceptance.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
International Nativity Sets will be on display at SS. Columba-Brigid beginning Saturday, December 1. Click HERE for times and more information about Father Roy Herberger’s unique collection.
Nativity Miguel Volunteer Teaches Love of Writing ~ Professional writer, artist and NativityMiguel volunteer Mary Mullett-Flynn has started a letter writing program for the seventh and eighth-grade girls at St Monica’s. Many of the girls had never written a letter and were delighted to do so. Since nearly one-third of our students are from refugee families, many of them have been writing to friends and relatives in Africa. They have also continued to correspond with Ms Mullet-Flynn, developing not only literacy skills, but a love of writing. As an artist, she has offered to do even more for St. Monica’s. Ms Mullet -Flynn will donate 25% of online sales of her artwork to support their art, music and literature programs. Proceeds are used to purchase instruments and art supplies. To view her artwork, visit: As always, please pray for the success of our students. Thank-you!