October 21 – October 28, 2012
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
On October 21, 2012, Blessed Kateri became the first Native American to be canonized. The daughter of a Mohawk warrior and Catholic Algonquin woman, Kateri was born in a Mohawk fortress near Auriesville, New York. Her parents and brother died in a smallpox epidemic, and she was left with scars and weakened eyesight. Kateri’s mother had made an impression on her, and she was baptized on Easter Sunday in 1676. Her conversion to Christianity caused her relatives to mistreat her, and Kateri fled to a community of Native American Christians at Kahnawake, Quebec. She died when she was only 24, and came to be known as “Lily of the Mohawks.” A young boy’s recovery from a flesh-eating bacteria in 2006 was the miracle cited by the Vatican in elevating Blessed Kateri to sainthood.
Weekly Activities
Sunday, October 21 following the 10:00 a.m. Mass – Coffee Hour in St. Charles Hall, hosted by the Holy Name Society.
Sunday, October 21 at 3:00 p.m. in church ~ Trinity Concert Series: The Harmonia Chamber Singers.
Tuesday, October 23 at 7:30 p.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in St. Charles Hall.
Thursday, October 25 at 8:00 p.m ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
Friday, October 26 from 6:30-7:30 ~ Candlelight tour of Church (preceding wine tasting).
Friday, October 26 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. ~ Fall Wine Tasting in St. Charles Hall.
Saturday, October 27 at 8:00 p.m ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.
We now have new games: Red, White & Blue; carry over Bonus Ball; and a progressive Share-the-Wealth!
Sunday, October 28 following the 10:00 a.m. Mass – Ladies Sodality Meeting in St. Charles Hall.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, October 21~ Mass at 10 a.m. –
Robert & Ceil Marien (Requested by Family) and Edward & Irene Hodur (Requested by Bonnie & Don Williams)
Baptism of Spencer David Schnettler
Monday, October 22 ~ Communion Service at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, October 23 ~ St. John of Capistrano ~ Loretta Saxer (Estate)
Wednesday, October 24 ~ St. Anthony Mary Claret ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Anna Snyder (Estate)
Thursday, October 25 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Bernard H. Fix and Ruth R. Fix (Estate)
Friday, October 26 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Irene Rambus (Family)
Saturday, October 27 ~ Mass at 4:30 p.m. – All Souls (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Sunday, October 28 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Bob Hamsik (Angela Jost) and Frank Fries (Melissa Smythe)
News from our Parish Community
Wine Tasting on October 26 ~ Pre-sale tickets are now available for our Wine Tasting on Friday, October 26, 2012 from 7 – 9 p.m. In addition to wines and expertise courtesy of Bill Warren and Hertel Parker Liquor, there will be delicious hors d’oeuvres, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages. If your guests have never seen the church, they can also enjoy a candlelight tour beforehand from 6:30 – 7:30. Tickets are available from Bud Dick, Chris Puchalski, Jessie Wells, Don & Bonnie Williams or the church office (833-0301) for $25 per person. The cost at the door is $30.
Wine Tasting Edibles ~ The committee for our October 26 wine tasting is hoping to continue our tradition of wonderful hors d’oeuvres to compliment the fine wines donated by Hertel Parker Liquor. This “taste of Trinity” has set us apart from other similar events, both in quality and quantity of food offerings. Whether or not you have ever participated before, please consider donating a hors d’oeuvre for Friday, October 26. Sign-up sheets are available at church, or click HERE to leave a message for the committee.
A Special Request for our Helping Hands Food Pantry ~ Richard Plunkett advises that The Pantry has a critical need for volunteers with a pick-up truck who might be available a few hours each week or every other week for transport of food donations or extra food orders to the Helping Hands Food Pantry. If you can lend a hand or need further information, please contact Richard at 861-5022. Thank you.
October 21 is World Mission Sunday. We are called to this Eucharistic celebration – along with Catholics in every parish, chapel and church throughout the world – to fulfill the call we first heard at Baptism: the call to be missionaries, to share our faith. On World Mission Sunday, we are called in a special way to be “missionaries of faith” through prayer and participation in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection. Let us pray especially at this Mass for all who long to hear the hope-filled, saving message of Jesus, and for the priests, religious and lay catechists in mission countries worldwide ministering on behalf of us all.
The Ladies Sodality will meet on Sunday, October 28, in St. Charles Hall immediately following the 10 a.m. Mass.
Prisoner Gifts 2012 – Blessed Trinity will again host the assembly of 1000 Christmas gift bags for the inmates of Wende Correctional Facility (tentative date Friday, December 7). The Christmas Prison Package Project originated with Sr. Karen Klimczak, SSJ, at the Bissonette House over 20 years ago, and we are privileged to continue its message of forgiveness and non-violence. Janice Burns is coordinating the event with Peaceprints Prison Ministries. Our parish is asked to donate instant hot cocoa. Our goal is 2,000 individual serving envelopes. Start shopping, bring your donations to church by December 2, and place them in the labeled back pew. Cash donations can be made in an envelope marked “Prisoner Gifts” and dropped into the weekend collection.
The Helping Hands Food Pantry has been experiencing chronic shortages of cereal (store brands welcome). Our supply of cereal is usually gone by the end of the first week after the monthly food delivery from the Food Bank. We also are in need of any kind of canned vegetables and any kind of juice or canned soup. We have also been asked for flour or sugar and baking supplies. Many younger people and grandparents are asking for baby supplies, such as diapers and formula. You should also know that we now have used clothing that is clean and folded according to size for men, women, boys, girls and infants. We are in most need of men’s clothing and infant’s clothing. All clothing is donated and must be cleaned upon acceptance.
Attention Sodality Members ~ Because of reoccurring scheduling conflicts, the Ladies Sodality will change its regular meeting date for 2012-13 from the second Sunday to the fourth Sunday. We thank you for your patience and support and hope to see you at the first meeting of the year on Sunday, October 28.
New Bingo Games ~ Red, White & Blue, a carry over Bonus Ball, and a progressive Share-the-Wealth are now being played during our regularly scheduled Thursday and Saturday Bingos. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and play begins promptly at 8 p.m. You can support our primary parish fundraiser by coming to play or, more importantly, joining our team of bingo workers. To schedule a time to be trained, please call the rectory (833-0301) or speak with Fran Cahill.
Respite for Caregivers ~ Are you in need of support in your new role as a relative caregiver? Catholic Charities’ Kinship Caregiver Program offers help using a family systems approach. Services provided to grandparents and others raising relative children include outreach, advocacy, case management and referral to family counseling. The program is available in Erie, Niagara and Cattaraugus counties. Call (716) 856-4494, ext. 332 for information. Find us at ccwny.org,Facebook.com/ccbuffalo and twitter.com/ccbuffalo.
Shop for a Cause = Success ~ Thank you to all Blessed Trinity parishioners who participated in this year’s “Shop for a Cause.” Whether you sold one, five, ten or twenty coupons, it would not have been successful without your participation. We were able to raise $1050.00 for Helping Hands Food Pantry which helps us with expenses and food purchases for our growing number of families needing assistance.
Canisius Cleans Up ~ The scent of Murphy’s Oil Soap permeated the air on September 29 when Community Day volunteers from Canisius College, under the direction of parish volunteers, washed church pews and floors and swept up some cobwebs from hard to reach places. Many thanks to students Ofure Akhiwu, Brandi Banks, Eliza Fields, Keon Hall, Alexis Johnson, Cassandra McGee, Sterling South – all members of the College’s Afro-American Society – and Douglas Mills Nales, and our volunteer project managers Alice Davis, Bud & Mickey Dick, Madonna Hartzell, Angela Jost, and Dorothy Prystawski.
Mass Stipend Change ~ The Diocese of Buffalo has increased the stipend for a mass from $10.00 to $15.00, effective September 1, 2012. If this is a serious problem for you, please let us know.
Looking for Friends – Did you realize our parish has a Facebook page? Click HERE to view our Wall and become one of our Friends by “liking” us. And don’t forget to tell your friends who may want to know more about what is happening at Blessed Trinity. You will also find a Facebook link on our Home page.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound ~ NYS law prohibits hospitals and nursing homes/rehab facilities from notifying the parish when a family member or loved one is admitted for treatment. Please contact the rectory when a situation arises to request visitation and administration of the sacraments for a loved one, whether in an institutional or home setting.
“Peaceprints” lawn signs are available for a donation of only $5.00 by contacting Cathy Gress, Terry Gress or Sister Barbara Horan.
In his Guidebook to Blessed Trinity R. C. Church, Rev. Walter Kern described the church ceiling as “straight out of St. Peter’s at the Vatican – but … scaled to the size of this church.” The placement of circular paintings of the Four Evangelists in the pendentives supporting the dome replicates a similar design from St. Peter’s. “Since Christ sent the Apostles out to preach the Good News of how much God loves us, this church rightly places the missionary emphasis of the Church in a prominent position.” (Guidebook, pages18, 21).
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Bible Study at Columba-Brigid ~ Because of a prior commitment of the discussion leaders, Tuesday night Bible Study has been cancelled for October 23. When sessions resume on Tuesday, October 30 (6:30 to 8:00 p.m.) please join usand give it a try. We study the Sunday readings together. There is no cost and we’ll even hand you a Bible.
News from the NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo ~ The NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo is pleased to welcome 70 new students to our school in grades 5-8 at our St. Monica Campus for girls and our St. Augustine Campus for boys. We also welcome back our students from St. Lawrence and St. Columba-Brigid/St. Ann Parishes: Kaylee Wilcox, Christopher Augustin, Michael Augustin and Mireille and Mirielle Ngoopos. Please pray for their continued success!