The Class of '64 was well represented, including, l. to r., Bill O'Donnell and his wife, Maureen, Dennis Long and Theresa (Anne) Green.
Classmates Ron Ferella and Pauline Laudico Knapp, Class of '57.
Alumni Committee Members, l. to r., Bud Dick '58, Jean Hibschweiler Karnyski and Kathy Speyer Leclaire '59, Mary Castro '58, Mickey Stiffler Dick '59 and Jerry Powers '51
Friends since childhood, former schoolmates are lost in thought. L. to r., Pat Zylka Tobolski '66, Paulette Heinle Miller '64, and Pauline Laudico Knapp '57.
… And the October 3, 2010 Split Club winners were Teri Ferella and Bob Klein!