The ceramic tympanum over the church’s main door depicts the Blessed Trinity. The symbols below represent
The Our Father. They were sculpted by P. Kuhnle who worked for O. W. Ketchem Co.
in its Crum Lynne, PA terra cotta factory.
Photo Credit: Gary Kelley
May 27 – June 3, 2018
Weekly Activities
Sunday, May 27 following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Trinity Sunday reception in St. Charles Hall
Tuesday, May 29 at 7:00 p.m. ~ Choir rehearsal in St. Charles Hall
Thursday, May 31 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
Saturday,June 2 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ~ Catholic Central Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall
Saturday, June 2 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall*
*To check the Red, White & Blue and progressive Share-the-Wealth carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.
Mass Intentions
Sunday, May 27 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – Hon. John D. Spellman (Requested by Bob and Mary Kresse) and Fred Godert, Jr. (Requested by Family)
Monday, May 28 ~ Memorial Day Holiday Observed ~ No Service
Tuesday, May 29 ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Blessed Trinity Parish Special Intentions (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Wednesday, May 30 ~ Memorial Day ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Deceased Members of the Ryan, Reilly, Reynolds and Pfeiffer Families (Estate of Mary Reilly)
Thursday, May 31 ~ Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~ Mass at 11:00 a. m. – Deceased Fathers and Mothers of Blessed Trinity Parish (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Friday, June 1 ~ First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in Daily Mass Chapel
Friday, June 1 ~ St. Justin ~ Mass at 11:00 a.m. – Francis Chruney (The Family)
Saturday, June 2 ~ St. Marcellinus & St. Peter ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – All Parishioners who are ill (Blessed Trinity Parish)
Sunday, June 3 ~ Mass at 10:00 a.m. – My Son, Ogbuagu (Fidelia Ejimadu)
Ministry Schedule for Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3:
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Reader: Michael Ogoh; Eucharistic Minister: John Curtin
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Readers: Bob Heicklen, Joseph Nwogu; Eucharistic Ministers: Dan Korchowsky, Mary Kresse, Pat Hartinger; Fran Cahill (Choir)
News from our Parish Community
Sunday, May 27, is Trinity Sunday and our parish feast day. During the 10am Mass, we will officially welcome members who have recently joined our parish family. We will also be commemorating the 90th anniversary of the completion of our church building, which was dedicated by Bishop Turner on June 3, 1928. At the end of Mass, the assembly is invited to process outside where Father Victor will bless the building’s cornerstone and the church’s new sign. These ceremonies will be followed by a reception in St. Charles Hall.
BT in Architectural Spotlight ~ The May 22, 2018 Buffalo News (pages B-1 and C-12) highlights architectural features of our church in a pictorial array. Additional photos appear in their Photo Gallery — and just in time for our feast day!
Happy Feast Day ~ Doesn’t everyone love a great party? This week’s celebration of our church building’s 90th anniversary, as well as our Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, will go down in the record books as one of our most meaningful liturgies. When one of our trustees approached the liturgy committee with beautiful ideas to help make this celebration unique and meaningful, the Music Ministry was challenged to come up with hymns that honored the Blessed Trinity and our newest nonagenerian, our Church. If you heard yourself singing the words “Blessed Trinity” more than ever before, our mission was accomplished! We learned on Palm Sunday that our congregation will surprisingly sing four-part music when provided, so the closing hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” was distributed to all in spite of the ready availability of the unison version in our hymnal. Thank you for raising your voices and your spirit in keeping this church community alive and thriving. “God in three persons – Blessed Trinity!” The last choir practice of the season will take place on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in St. Charles Hall. All are welcome. Elizabeth
Sodality Dinner ~ Amy Johnson is accepting reservations through June 6 for the Sodality’s June 13 dinner in St. Charles Hall. We are hoping to have a good turn out to welcome Sr. Maureen Harris back from her six-month assignment in her congregation’s mission in Tanzania, Africa. With the help of photos from her journey, Sister Maureen will share her faith experience with us, including insights into the life and ministries of the native Sisters at the Mission. The $20 per person cost includes a buffet dinner featuring salad, vegetarian lasagna, chicken parmesan, garlic bread, dessert, coffee, tea and soda. We will gather at 6pm with plans to serve at 6:30pm. If you have women friends from the other CCCB parishes, please encourage them to accept the Sodality’s invitation to join us for the evening. Your friends are also welcome. Amy can be reached at 716-836-4694 or acjohnson4 [at] verizon [dot] net. Checks payable to: Ladies Sodality.
The parish’s next Bible discussion meeting will be Monday, June 18, at 7pm in St. Charles Hall. The subject matter for bible discussion meetings will be from Genesis 12-23 Abraham and Sarah’s Journey, by Kevin and Louise Perrotta: Loyola Press, 2002. In preparation for June 18, participants should read the entire week #2 section. Those who want to obtain the booklet and participate in the discussion, please call Althea Porter at 716-316-8395.
Blessed Trinity Featured Choir ~ The Church Musicians’ Guild (CMG) of Buffalo’s 2018 Festival Mass and Awards Ceremony took place on Thursday, May 17, at St. John Gualbert Church. The choir for the Mass was composed of members of the choirs of Blessed Trinity and St. John XXIII (W. Seneca) and the St. John Paul II Schola Cantorum. The combined choirs sang Richard Hillert’s Festival Canticle as the Processional — the same Processional sung by our choir for the Feast of Pentecost. Elizabeth Clay cantored the Responsorial Psalm and directed the Song of Thanksgiving (a Blessed Trinity favorite), John L. Bell’s Over My Head. Our choir was honored to be chosen for their role at the event, which is held annually at the end of the Easter Season and honors those who serve in music ministry throughout the diocese. At the close of the Mass, the Guild’s Cecelia Roy Kenny Award was presented to Robert Chambers in recognition of his seventy years of music ministry at Buffalo’s Holy Angels Church. James Boback (Christ the King) received the Msgr. Kawalec Organ Scholarship, and Chelsea Brodka (St. Benedict) was recognized with the CMG’s first award for young adult music ministry. Click HERE to see photos of the event.
We welcome Markus Michael Brodfuehrer, son of Sean and Elizabeth Brodfuehrer, baptized into the Christian family at Blessed Trinity on Pentecost Sunday.
Religious Ed Volunteers ~ We are in need of volunteers to help with the Religious Education of our parish children. Anyone interested in helping, please sign up on the orange sheets at the church entrances or call Father Victor (716-833-0301) during rectory office hours. You are also asked to call Father Victor if you are interested in enrolling a child or young adult preparing for Confirmation.
Family Promise of WNY ~ Thanks to our volunteer team, led by Amy Johnson, who assist temporarily homeless families at Ss. Colomba-Brigid Parish by preparing and serving a Saturday evening dinner. Our next scheduled dinner dates are June 16 and July 21. If you are able to help with this ministry by preparing part of the meal, please contact Amy Johnson at 716-836-4694.
Spring Cleaning? Donate your gently used clothing items to St. Vincent de Paul. There is a blue bin located in the back parking lot to the right of St. Charles Hall. They ask that no loose items be left there. Please pack your donations in plastic bags. This bin is for clothing only. If you have appliances of other household goods, schedule a pick up by calling 716-882-3360.
Home Visits ~ Please notify the church office if you know of aged, sick, or homebound parishioners who may wish to receive a visit and the Eucharist on the last Friday of each month.
Mass Intentions Available ~ The Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest and greatest form of prayer. Contact the church office to request a Mass for yourself, your loved ones, or for any intention. We have both weekday and weekend availability.
Our food pantry has a new name. The former Helping Hands Food Pantry is now known as the Catholic Central Food Pantry. The pantry’s hours, services and qualifications for assistance remain unchanged.

Memorial Day Observed
May 28
Remember and pray for all men and women who have given their lives in the service of their Country.
News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community
Celebrating Memorial Day at a Catholic Cemetery is truly a mixture of flags and wreaths and tributes and taps. Join us as we honor those who have served our country in the military at one of our Memorial Day Masses. On Saturday, May 26 at 10am, Masses will be held at the following cemeteries: Mount Olivet in Kenmore, Holy Cross in Lackawanna, Gate of Heaven in Lewiston, and Holy Sepulchre in Cheektowaga. On Monday, May 28 at 10am, Masses will be held at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Lockport and St. Adalbert Cemetery in Lancaster. Honoring all those buried in the cemetery is the focus of our Eucharistic celebrations and our voiced intercessions. For more information, please call 716-873-6500.
Annual Memorial Day Mass, Tuesday, May 29, in the cemetery at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish (5337 Genesee Street in Bowmansville). This event is beautifully celebrated with the Rosary first, and then Mass at 9 am. Afterward, we gather in the Parish Center for a continental breakfast. Please bring chairs and drop in to celebrate with us in honoring those who have fought and died for our freedoms. For more information, call the rectory at 716-683-2375.
Healing Mass in Honor of St. Peregrine for those afflicted with cancer or in need of special healing, will take place at St. Aloysius Gonzaga (157 Cleveland Drive in Cheektowaga) Thursday, May 31 at 7pm. Call 716-283-0011 for information.
Position Available: Maintenance person (part-time) at St. Anthony of Padua Church. Mail resume and letter of reference to: Mary Balistreri at the church (160 Court Street, Buffalo, NY 14202). Call 716-652-3153 for more information.
Position Available: Keyboardist for Sunday 10 am Mass at St. George Parish in West Falls. If you or someone you know is interested in this (per diem) position, whether regular weekly or on a casual basis, call 716-652-3153 or email stgeorge [at] gmail [dot] com.
Concerts for the Soul presents “Summer Concert of Joy and Inspiration, ” Friday, June 8, at 7:30pm, SS Columba-Brigid Church (75 Hickory Street in Buffalo). Tenor Vocalist Cory James Gallagher and Writer/Poet Amy Gallagher will guide you on a Musical-Poetic Journey celebrating the many gifts and ordinary miracles that greet us each day. An evening to Inspire. Event is by donation.
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word, the new Focus Features film directed by Wim Wenders, is now showing at the Eastern Hills Dipson Theater. Co-produced with the Vatican’s Office of Communication, this movie experience offers a chance to meet Pope Francis through interviews and footage of public appearances. In addition to footage from the Pope’s many international journeys, settings include unique and special locations within the Papal palaces and Vatican gardens.
Bishop Timon-St. Jude High School announces that registration is now open for Summer Timon 2018. All boys entering fifth through eighth grades are invited to participate. Each day campers will experience a wide-range of activities from history tours of WNY, rowing, photography, field trips, and much more! We make sure that all our campers get a well-rounded experience, learning something new while still having fun. Week 1 is July 9-13; week 2 is July 16-20. You can sign up for both or just one. Register online at bishoptimon.com or contact Jim Barnes at 716-826-3610 for more information.
St. Joe’s Collegiate Summer, a four-week program for students entering the eighth grade, is June 25-July 20 from 9am to 3pm each day. Find out more and register at sjci.com or call 716-874-4953.
Lord Teach Me to Pray, a 3-Part Ignatian Prayer Series, begins Saturday, June 16, at 8:30am at Christ the King Seminary Retreat Center (711 Knox Road, East Aurora, NY). Visit lordteachmetopray.com for more information and registration or call 504-439-5933.