Earlier this year, Blessed Trinity Catholic Church received word from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation that our application for funding to repair and restore major sections of our landmark church had been approved. With God’s help, we now begin the process of making these improvements happen to meet State and Federal standards.
Blessed Trinity is currently accepting proposals for architectural design services in connection with restoring our roof, nave windows and front entrance steps. Architects wishing to submit proposals must demonstrate education, experience and expertise in historic preservation and the development of Sectarian Budgets. Responses must also include assurance of significant (30%) contracting opportunities for minority-and woman-owned business enterprises.
For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP), call 716-833-0301 or email us at blessedtrinity [dot] bflo [at] yahoo [dot] com. Proposals must be submitted to the Church by 4:00 PM on Monday, June 22, 2015.