Blessed Trinity R.C. Church from southern elevation. Photo credit: Sean Brodfuehrer


January 26 – February 2, 2014


Weekly Activities


Sunday, January 26 following 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Ladies Sodality Meeting/Mailing in St. Charles Hall.

Sunday, January 26 at 3:00 p.m. ~ Trinity Concert Series: “Peter Gonciarz and Friends” in church.

Tuesday, January 28 at 7:30 p.m. ~ CHOIR REHEARSAL CANCELLED.

Thursday, January 30 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.

Saturday, February 1 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon ~ Helping Hands Food Pantry in St. Charles Hall.

Saturday, February 1 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.

Sunday, February 2 at 9:30 a.m. ~ Choir Rehearsal in the Loft.

We now have: Red, White & Blue; carry over Bonus Ball; and a progressive Share-the-Wealth! To check the carry over amounts and progressive numbers for this week, click HERE and visit our Facebook page.

Mass Intentions

Sunday, January 26 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Shakara Purks (Requested by Ladies Sodality of Blessed Trinity)

Monday, January 27 ~ St. Angela Merici ~ Communion Service at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, January 28 ~ St. Thomas Aquinas ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Gladys Kibler (Estate)

Wednesday, January 29 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Bernard H. Fix and Ruth R. Fix (Estate)

Thursday, January 30 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. ~  Deceased Members and Family Members of Blessed Trinity Parish

Friday, January 31 ~ St. John Bosco ~Mass at 11 a.m. – Winifred Enright (Estate)

Saturday, February 1 ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Anna Snyder (Estate)

Sunday, February 2 ~ The Presentation of the Lord ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Kevin Cahill (Madonna Hartzell) and A. Michael Andrew, 5th Anniversary (Mother, Sister and Family)

Steve Budnack, Peter Gonciarz, Miranda DelBello and Nick DelBello

Steve Budnack, Peter Gonciarz, Miranda DelBello and Nick DelBello


News from our Parish Community

The Trinity Concert Series of “beautiful music in a beautiful space” continues on Sunday, January 26, at 3 p.m. with Peter Gonciarz and Friends. Click HERE to read more about our first concert of 2014.

Attention Sodality Members ~ We will be preparing our mass mailing of Basket of Cheer raffle tickets on Sunday, January 26. If you can stay for an hour to help stuff and seal envelopes, please come to St. Charles Hall immediately after Mass. The raffle will take place at a special Mardi Gras themed coffee hour on Sunday, March 2.

Diocesan Celebration honoring Rev. Martin Luther King ~ “We would like to thank everyone from your parish who helped in any way with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass 2014. Many have told us it was a great celebration. We thank all who supported the event through monetary donations and donations of theme baskets for the auction. Through the collection and the theme baskets, we are able to continue supporting young people in reaching higher Catholic education by awarding them the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship. May God bless you.” Luz Milagros Ramos, Director of Office of Cultural Diversity and the African American Commission.

The Church in Central and Eastern Europe ~ On February 1 & 2, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This Collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles with the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the Collection next week. Visit to learn more.

2014 Calendars ~ Every year we are fortunate to have a beautiful religious calendar for the New Year provided by Bud Dick. There are extra copies available in the ushers’ pew at the break in the middle of the church if you would like one to share with your family or a friend. Again, our thanks to Bud Dick of Vandercher & Dick Funeral Home.


News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community 

Grassroots Gardens of Buffalo (GGB) helps people living in and around Buffalo create and sustain community gardens on vacant properties in the city – the only organization that exists for this purpose. These gardens beautify and strengthen neighborhoods, enable the productive use of vacant properties, and improve the overall quality of life for residents. GGB functions largely as a liaison organization between the City and its enthusiastic community gardeners, enabling the latter to maintain their gardens without the added burden of liability for gardeners and visitors. Whenever possible, Grassroots Gardens assists gardeners’ efforts through modest material and financial support, including the distribution of soil, mulch, plants, seeds, bulbs, tools and other supplies. Letters of Intent – the first step in becoming part of the GGB network – are currently being accepted through February 17, 2014. Click HERE for a copy of The Letter of Intent. An open house for interested applicants is scheduled for February 20th from 6-8 p.m. at the Grassroots Garden’s office located at in the TriMain Building (Suite 408), 2495 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214. GGB staff will be on hand to answer questions, explain the perks of being part of their network, and help interested groups fill out the formal application. Click HERE to view the full application. If you or anyone you know has questions about starting a community garden on a vacant property in the city of Buffalo, contact Derek Nichols at 783-9653.

Volunteer Opportunities at Sisters Hospital – Guardian Angel Ministry Program: The Long Term Care Homes of the Catholic Health Care System in WNY are currently expanding our Guardian Angel Ministry Program. This unique and challenging ministry provides companionship for residents as they enter their final stages of living. This distinctive End of Life Program, offers support for family members who are unable to be with their loved ones during the overnight hours (11 pm – 7 am) as the resident approaches death. The program is designed to give families a brief respite and peace of mind knowing that someone is offering spiritual support and companionship to their loved one. The loved one will not die alone. Volunteers sign up for a 4 hour shift and average no more than being present one shift per month. For more information or to volunteer, please contact: Chaplain Jonathan Moran at Saint Catherine Labourè 862-1538.
Do You or Someone You Know need Help at Home? “Total Aging in Place” may be able to help. A Managed Long Term Care plan designed to help people 55 and older live safely and independently in the comfort of their own home, the agency provides and coordinates medical care. They give the participant the ability to socialize during the day at a Day Center and when not in the day center, the program provides care and support at home. You must be Medicaid eligible or you can privately pay. Please call 716-250-3119 or toll free 1-800-8822-8185.