May 5 – May 12, 2013

Sanctuary, Easter Season 2013 Photo Credit: Kevin Phalen

Sanctuary, Easter Season 2013
Photo Credit: Kevin Phalen

Weekly Activities

Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. ~ Choir rehearsal in St. Charles Hall.

Thursday, May 9 at 8:00 p.m ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.

Saturday, May 11 from 2:30-4:oo p.m. in church ~ Part 2 of Docent Training.

Saturday, May 11 at 8:00 p.m ~ Bingo will be played in St. Charles Hall.

     We now have: Red, White & Blue; carry over Bonus Ball; and a progressive Share-the-Wealth!

Sunday, May 12 following the 10:00 a.m. Mass ~ Mother’s Day Breakfast for women of the parish, hosted by The Holy Name Society in St. Charles Hall.

Mass Intentions

Sunday, May 5 ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Isabelle Farewell (Requested by Madonna Hartzell) and Ann Matey (Requested by Jim Kelly)

Monday, May 6 ~ Communion Service at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, May 7 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Gladys Kibler (Estate)

Wednesday, May 8 ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Bernard H. Fix and Ruth R. Fix (Estate)

Thursday, May 9 ~ The Ascension of the Lord ~ Mass  at 6 p.m. – Winifred Enright (Estate)

Friday, May 10 ~ St. Damien de Veuster ~ Mass at 11 a.m. – Virginia Saxer (Estate)

Saturday, May 11 ~ Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. – Bob DeBoy (Ithrene and Lorna Cameron)

Sunday, May 12 ~ Mother’s Day ~ Mass at 10 a.m. – Helene Lesage Aimeras (Angela Jost) and For Our Mothers (Bob and Mary Kinmartin)

News from our Parish Community

Members of The Freudig Singers, including BT choir members Elizabeth Sands (2nd from left) and Luis Clay (upper right) adknowledge audience applause at the end of their concert on May 3. Photo credit: Margaret Dick

Members of The Freudig Singers, including BT choir members Elizabeth Sands
(2nd from left) and Luis Clay (upper right) acknowledge audience applause
at the end of their concert on May 3. Photo credit: Margaret Dick

Generations of Faith ~ Session 6 of the 2012-13 Generations of Faith Program, “Celebrating the Sacraments,” will take place on Sunday, May 5, following the 10 o’clock Mass. Our focus for May is “Matrimony – Part 2: Sharing the Story of our Marriage.” Mary Ann and Phil Woods and Darvon and Vontrese Draper will share their insights and experience about marriage. On behalf of the congregation, we want to thank the Generations Team for all they have done to plan and present our six sessions throughout the year. It is a major commitment of time, creativity and dedication that makes this possible. Our sessions for children have been led by Lorna Cameron and Dan Korchowsky. The adult sessions are led by Althea Porter and Pam Zanghi. Chris Porter has provided us with music for our Opening and Closing Prayer. Lucille Venezia and Jessie Wells have planned and prepared our delicious luncheons. Jerry Gallisdorfer set up the various rooms used during each session. Thank you one and all.

Holy Name Hosts Mother’s Day Breakfast ~ Women of the Parish are invited, as guests of the Holy Name Society, to our traditional Mother’s Day Breakfast, to be held on Sunday, May 12th, following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Reservations for the breakfast are necessary and may be made no later than Wednesday, May 8th, by calling the Rectory Office at 833-0301. Non-parishioner adult guests, such as daughters, mothers, sisters, similar-in-laws, etc. are welcome. No children, please. Cost for a guest is $5 per person, payable at the door.

Sacred Sites Open House Weekend ~ On the weekend of May 18-19, 2013, Blessed Trinity will participate in the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Third Annual Sacred Sites Open House weekend. We will join dozens of houses of worship all over the state showcasing their landmark buildings. It’s an opportunity to highlight BT as a perfect example of art preserved by faith and faith preserved in art. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! The Open House will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (before 4:30 Mass), and on Sunday, May 19 from 12:00 noon (after 10:00 Mass) to 2:00 p.m. We will need docents, greeters, sellers, and general hosts. If you have worked any of our Open Houses in the past, you know everything you need to do. If you are new to Open House tours, we will happily train you. If you can help on either of these two days, please fill out one of the forms on the Communion rail indicating what type of role you are willing to play and which date/time you are available. Place the completed form in the basket. Judy Casassa will contact you with confirmation of your assignment. Please sign up to participate by Sunday, May 5. Thank you!

Prayer Partners ~ This week we pray for the grace to live without fear — for our partner and for our world. The Resurrection teaches us that God can overcome anything, even death. When the Risen Christ appears to the women at the tomb and later to his disciples, his first words are “Do not be afraid!” (Mt 28:5,10). These words speak to our hearts, helping us cope with the fear from the loss of a job, a serious illness, or a crumbling relationship. Our faith allows us to trust that God can overcome our most serious problems.

UB Pride and Service Day volunteers. Photo credit: Margaret Dick.

UB Pride and Service Day volunteers. Photo credit: Margaret Dick.

UB Pride & Service Day ~ If you noticed that our parish grounds have undergone a “spring cleaning,” it is because of a group of volunteers from the State University at Buffalo who spent Tuesday morning in the neighborhood. Greg Bellanton, Adriana Black, Sadé Cadle, Akeelya DePass, Robin Murray, Noelle Nesbitt, Emmanuel Jericho Nortey, Christine Puna, together with team leader, Natalie Surin, worked in our Leroy and Dewey Avenue gardens. Harish Ganesan, Varshiaee Krishnamurthy, Aiyan Lu, Ashanti McGill, Phurba Sherpa, Dolkar Sherpo, Aditya Thakur, Bhavya Vagdargi, and Shuyue Zhang, as well as their team leader, Bennie Williams, did double duty. They assisted the staff at the FLARE Community Center, and then pitched in with the outdoor work. The work party ended with a docent-guided tour of the church. We also wish to thank Richard Plunkett and Bud Dick who were instrumental in arranging our participation, as well as Judy Casassa, Luis Clay, Mickey Dick and Jerry Gallisdorfer who worked along with and directed the volunteers.Click HERE to see photos on our Facebook page.

Catholic Home Mission Appeal ~ Thank you for your generous support to help strengthen the Church at home. Your donation to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal will help ensure that the Gospel is spread across the United   States. To learn more about home missions funding and who the Appeal helps, please visit

New church docents complete their training by choosing an assignment for Sacred Sites Open House Weekend, May 18-19.

New church docents complete their training on May 4 by choosing an assignment
for the Sacred Sites Open House Weekend, May 18-19.

News from our Vicariate Cluster and the Wider Community

Pastoral Counseling Services from Samaritan Counseling are now available in the Franciscan Guest House at St. Lawrence on Wednesday mornings. The counselor plans to be there from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Appointments are also available at other times. Please call the clinic at 308-6302 if there are any questions. The service is expected to expand over the next few months if there is an interest. Contact person is Pat Dyer, NP.

Children’s Choir to Perform Benefit Concert ~ As part of Assumption Church’s 125th Anniversary Celebration, the Children’s Choir of Our Lady of Black Rock School, directed by Mary Lou Wyrobek, will be presenting a Benefit Concert on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in Assumption Church, 435 Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY. A reception for guests will follow the concert.  Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children. For more information, please call 873-7497. All funds raised through this concert will be donated to Reaching Out 2 Africa, which is a Buffalo-based organization promoting a hands-on outreach to specific ministries in African countries. Their goals include assisting African priests and religious and African refugees, particularly those in Buffalo.